
well me and Pj got in a huge fight yesterday and arent even friends anymore. I found out that he had been going around and telling people about our relationship and why we broke up but he wouldnt talk to me about it. I was texting Rachel about it and said that he needs to grow up and he saw that message and texted me going off.. He blamed everything on me saying that i was trying to rush everything and that i never gave him any space and to just forget being friends too.. I went off and told him that it is pretty messed up that he can go around telling people our business but you wont even talk to me about it.. I told him that all he had to do was be honest from the beginning and that if he had we wouldnt be arguing. He told me that i need to grow up and stop moping around and that people dont even want to talk to me. I told him that i honestly thought he was different but he was acting just like everyone else. And i told him that my feelings did change and that i fell for him and that when he asked me everyday if i still liked him i told him the truth and that when i asked him if his feelings changed he had the opportunity many times to tell me the truth but he didnt.

I mean that is all he had to do was be honest and i wouldnt have been so upset..

I texted him back and said maybe we shouldnt even be talking right now and i told him bye..

I pray that one day we will be able to be friends again….

but for now we aren’t even friends or speaking

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Usually when a guy says you need to quit moping, it means you’re making him feel responsible and he doesn’t like it.

Sounds like he couldn’t handle it, hence the “moping” comment.

Yep. Time is your friend on this one. You still seem a little angry, too.

If you really want to be friends with him and that’s not code for getting back together, you gotta let things cool off a bit.

You don’t. And that’ll kill him worse than the arguing. You win. 😉

I’d leave him alone. He’s in jerk mode. And it will really work at putting you in the power position if you don’t react to his jerkishness. This works if you do or you don’t want him back. And it will drive him insane while you enjoy your day.

Definitely. He’ll let you know when he’s ready to stop being a jerk.

*grins* Trust me.

I’ve tried it a few times. And as long as you keep your cool and don’t let him hurt you or make you start lashing out, I promise it will work every single time. *grins*