My Day

well my today has been better than most.. I woke up about 12 and watched a little tv before i had to go rescue my cats from the outside because a suprise storm came… A tree branch almost fell on my head but let’s not talk about that lol.. I went bowling with some of my friends and then we went to moviestop cuz the guys wanted new movies and that was a huge bust because they didnt get anything lol.. We stopped at Krispy Kreme and got some doughnuts and I got a Krispy Kreme hat 🙂 I wore it the rest of the night lol.. Then we all went to Ethans to play cards.. I started getting really tired so I didnt stay very long.. Im craving a bowl of dry cereal so im about to go get some lol..

I just wanted to update yall because I love talking to all of you.. Nothing in the guy department has changed and honestly im fine with that because I need to get my head on straight before i try to put my heart out on the line again..

I’ve got the hiccups and they are driving me crazy lol…

Well off to get cereal lol….

Love ya’ll <3

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June 27, 2011

Haha that’s so funny, my baby has the hiccups! (I’m pregnant). My tummy keeps twitching..! ~Bethany & the Beanette.x