I Love My Guardian Angel

Saturday I was on my way to my aunt and uncles and i wasnt in the best mood.. I started staring at the clouds and talking to my best friend who died in October.. I kept asking her to show me a sign that she is still here with me.. I looked down for a second and when I looked back up she had drawn a smiley face in the clouds.. I couldnt believe it.. I told her i loved her so much and a couple seconds later there was a heart in the clouds.. I said Carrie if it really is you draw me a peace sign and before I knew it there was a peace sign in the clouds… I couldnt believe it.. My bad mood was gone and i couldnt stop grinning and giggling for the rest of the night.. Even now Im still smiling.. She kept drawing me silly faces and making me laugh the whole way there..

I love her so much.. She always knows how to make me feel better 🙂

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June 20, 2011

I loved this. I had a friend pass away when I was in high school and it was devestatingly difficult. He showed up to me so many times afterwards. It’s such a comfort.