
So a couple of weeks ago, I had a big paper for my hardest class… Success could mean jumping from a B- to maybe an A-. Failure could be tragic. I do have a merit scholarship that covers some of my tuition, so getting good grades is essential to hold onto that scholarship for the next 2 school years. Well, this paper was a complete nightmare for me. 12 hours before it was due I started to realize that I was over the word limit, my topic (teacher recommended nonetheless) was way too broad, and I was headed toward FAIL-land. I ended up scrapping half of my paper at that point, and in a furious 14 hour day of nonstop writing, I did my best. It ended up over the word limit (by almost 125%) and the topic ended up being so broad I admitted barely scratching the surface. So after 2 weeks of waiting – I finally got the paper back. I got a 96% which bumped by grade to an 89.3% — so with a couple more assignments, I might be able to bump this into the A- range. Even if I don’t, the B+ will be OK with me after having a B- at mid-term. Oh, and this class is a no quiz, no test – so these term papers and mini-papers are my lifeline.

What else? I’ve started selling a bunch of stuff on Ebay to help toward paying off debt. I’m tired of being in debt – and we’ve got car loans and student loans to pay off. So, what we don’t need/use will go. So far its not been so bad. Time consuming, but worth it overall I think.

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