Another survey – because I can

1. Have you ever had a pedicure? Yes and they’re wonderful.

2. Have you ever shot anything and killed it? No.

3. Do you think senior citizens have sex? Yes, definately.

4. What type of alcoholic drink do you order at the bar? I don’t go to bars and I rarely, rarely drink…

5. What is the highlight of your day, so far? Coming home from work early to work from home today and tomorrow!

5. Would you go to the moon if you could? No. I’m too afraid of an accident…

6. Do you like to bet on horse or dog races? No.

7. Have you ever had a bad haircut? Yes, but it wasn’t that bad.

8. Do you know your mailman’s name? No.

9. Have you ever been in a wedding? Only mine.

10. Have you ever bought anything from Ebay? I don’t think so? Wait, yes… and it arrived broken, but I didn’t realize that until a week later.

11. Do you own a waffle iron? Shh… don’t tell my husband, but I ordered only secretly and it should be here soon.

12. How far have you traveled from your home? To the other side of the world… 21 hours by plane, then 3 hours by car.

13. What brand of toilet paper do you use? Target brand. Cheaper, and feels just as great.

14. Do you comb or brush your hair? Brush.

15. How many times a day do your brush your teeth? I hate to say this, but only once… I chew gum after every meal… haven’t had any problems yet. In fact, my dentist compliments me on my dental health every time I see him. So there.

16. What color is your umbrella? Oooh I just bought a new one – its black with orange and red flowers. Very cute.

17. Do you own a pair of “boots with the fur”? No.

18. Can you do the “Soldier Boy”? No.

19. What kind of car do you drive? 2007 Mini Cooper – red with white roof.

20. Do you own a hula-hoop? No.

21. Do you like cotton candy? Not really.

22. Would you have sex in aisle five at Wal-Mart if you could? Well, I don’t shop at Wal-Mart, and I’m not sure what’s so special about aisle five… so no.

23. Do you like to hold hands in public? Yes.

24. Are you close to your parents? Depends on the topic at hand.

25. How tall are you? 5′.5″ (yes, .5)

26. What elementary school did you attend? Homeschool or international school.

27. What kind of pancakes do you like? Potato are my favorite, followed by blueberry, then regular.

28. Favorite vacation spot? Bois Blanc Island, Michigan or Paris, France.

29. How many times have you been on a plane? Close to 200 or over 200 now…

30. When is your birthday? In August

31. How old will you be? 25

32. What do you like to watch on tv? Too many programs. SNL, ANTM, Project Runway, Law and Order, to name a few.

33. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset is beautiful.

34. Are you a morning person? Never.

35. Text or call? Prefer calling, but you can text at work silently…

36. Anything exciting happening soon? Eh.

37. What is your favorite dessert? Chocolate

38. Next concert you will attend? Probably Celine Dion

39. How much money do you have on you? $2

40. Who is the best band to see in concert? Well, she’s not a band… but I would have to say Sarah Brightman.

41. Ever met anyone famous? No.

42. Out of the country? yes.

43. Ever been out of the state? Yes, I’ve only lived here for three years.

44. Plans for the weekend? Dinner with friends on Saturday, then football party to support the Packers on Sunday.

45. What is your favorite drink? Water.

46. Rain or sunshine? Partly cloudy with occasional rain.

47. Wanna go for a walk? Yeah, if I weren’t so cold right now.

48. Do you like long car rides? No.

49. Would you rather eat or sleep? Sleep, right after eating. (I know its bad for you, but I really like it).

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