Book survey stolen from “Cookieburglar”

Here you are, CookieBurglar’s Survey for Bored Bookworms

1. Name the book that made you laugh the most.

Douglas Adams’ The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Almost 10 years later, and it is still the funniest thing I’ve ever read. I really appreciate British humor, and his writing is a mix of science fiction and the absurd.

2. Name the book that made you think the most.

Probably 1984 by George Orwell. I read this in nineth grade and it scared the crap out of me. I’d heard “Big brother is watching you” before, but never understood the depth of the saying until I read the book. I don’t like to be trapped… and the idea of being trapped, and having the system force you away from people or actions was terrifying. Its like The Truman Show.

3. Name the book that made you cry the most.

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. I recommend this book to EVERYONE. It tells an little known story about what is going on in rural Pakistan and Afganistan, where “Dr. Greg” has been building schools, irrigation channels, wells, etc., to help education the girls and future of rural areas. Its all true – and he’s making a real difference.

4. Name the book you found the most scary.

I make it a point not to read scary books… I guess I found both 1984 and Brave New World scary in their own right. Scared of consolidation of political power.

5. Have you ever read a book that you hated so much you couldn’t finish it?

YES. How about: A Tale of Two Cities or Silas Marner! Except that, I read these in school… and had to finish them both. It took me almost a year for both of them. I can’t stand Dickens or Eliot. They are so wordy and over-detailed.

6. Ever read any Shakespeare for fun?

Yes. Twelfth Night and Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing. I really enjoy his comedies.

7. Make a choice: Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter?

I tried reading LOTR once, but I only got through 5 pages. It was too laborious, and I didn’t know anything about the store before I started reading. HP is an easy read. Maybe I’ll try LOTR soon.

8. How many books do you read a month, on average?

How far back should I count? In the past two months – about 3-4 books a month. In the past 3 years? .2 books a month.

9. Got any books you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t got around to yet?


10. What are you reading right now?

I am re-reading Isaac Asimov’s Foundation, with the intention of reading the entire series.

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October 16, 2008

Woohoo, I’m famous. I’m tempted to try 1984 even if it is scary, I certainly had a love-hate relationship with Brave New World (such a depressing story, yet unbelievably fascinating). I kinda agree on Lord of the Rings–I DID manage to make it through it, but it takes a whole lot of dedication, and I admit I didn’t try to follow all the side- and back-stories too closely.

October 17, 2008

Three Cups of Tea sounds very interesting. Much Ado About Nothing rocks.