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I’m not going to say much because I really can’t. I’m exhausted and I personally feel that life is sucking big time. I’m very stressed out, and when I’m stessed, several things happen: I eat way too much (thus contributing so much more to my overweight state), I get physically sick to my stomach (brought on by the stress and the fact that I eat so fast and too much), and my mind starts racing (which brings on awful, stressful dreams so that my mind never stops thinking).

Work sucks, life sucks, and everything is so depressive. The house is dirty, there’s a ton of laundry, I’m so fat, and my neck and back are almost in constant pain because my bed is a piece of crap.

I’m done.

Log in to write a note
November 15, 2006

I’ll leave a message here: RING RING 11h03pm just calling to say hi, and then realized how late it was you’re probably sleeping haha! Hope to talk to ya soon, take care…xoxox

November 15, 2006

Je viens de lire quelques pages de votre Journal. J’aime votre enthousiasme pour la France ! Essayez de prendre quelques minutes par jour pour “méditer” : ça peut vouloir dire juste: respirer calmement et profondément, regarder le ciel et vider la tête …

November 16, 2006

i haven’t logged onto this diary in so long. i want to do what i know i should, but i can’t find the motivation. i’m glad you left me the note you did. i wanted to see how you were doing with your goals and if you’d procrastinated like me. there’s a new weight support site on the main page that i think would be a good motivation. we should join. what do you say?

December 7, 2006

ça fait un bout de temps, comment tu vas?

March 10, 2007

c’est incroyable! t’es en vie! je vais bien, beaucoup de travail, je suis très contente pour ton mari, et wow china! comment ça se fait que tu as perdu ton portable au canada, et où au canada? québec? Québec me manque, mes amies y habitent et pendant que ça ne soit pas assez loin que la france c’est assez loin de passer 20 heures par bus pour y aller…on a un congé cette semaine, je vais dormir!!!

November 1, 2007

im back in france, whenever u return here leave me a note lemme know how u are doing xoxoxox