Four things about me…

Four things you might NOT know about me:

A. Four (odd) jobs I have had in my life:
1. I was a maid for TWO summers! The main house I had was 10,000 sq ft and NO carpeting – only wood and tile floors. Oy.
2. I was one of those annoying people at Best Buy who kept bugging you in the CD/DVD/Computer software/Video game section who keeps saying, “Can I help you find anything? Hi, how are you today? Are you finding what you’re looking for?”
3. I was a French tutor at a private high school. I helped bring a C- up to an A-.
4. When I was only 15, I was a tutor/babysitter for three kids who were homeschooled.

B. Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Star Wars (any of them)
2. Harry Potter (#’s 3 or 4)
3. Amelie (en francais, bien sur)
4. Pirates of the Caribbean

C. Four places I have lived
1. Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
2. Pittsburgh, PA (twice about 9 years apart)
3. Collonges-sous-Saleve, France
4. small town surrounded by cornfields in Indiana (current home)

D. Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Scrubs
2. Desparate Housewives
3. Friends
4. Sex and the City

E. Four places I have been on vacation
1. Sydney, Australia
2. Moscow, Russia
3. New York City, New York
4. Interlachen, Switzerland

F. Four Websites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo!Mail
2. OD
3. google (not every day)
4. my office’s webmail that you can access remotely (nearly everyday)

G. Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Tomatos
3. sweet potatoes
4. pasta w/ garlic salt

H. Four places I’d rather be right now:
1. Geneva, Switzerland
2. Collonges-sous-Saleve
3. Saudi Arabia (but in safer times)
4. Paris, France

So how many did you know?

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ryn: yeah i have seen that show….even though its triggering and wish i looked like those models i still watch it lol

October 13, 2006

well then, your opinion is similar to the Catholics, who believe, “’s ok to be homosexual as long as you don’t practice homosexuality, which is great because i think it’s ok to be catholic as long as you don’t practice catholicism” lol i couldn’t resist. you did make your point respectfully, even if i don’t agree. pretending to be something your not causes more problems and heartache in my humble opinion…:)

October 13, 2006

ryn: oh i’m just anal retentive like that lol