pajama day

Today was Pajama day at work. It was “pay $1 to United Way” to wear Pj’s and slippers. I happily paid…

But then I was sleepy.

I really don’t have much to say. I wrote a really long entry yesterday, then Firefox crapped out on me and I lost the entire thing… and right now I just don’t have the energy to retype it.

Lately at work I’ve been doing whatever my boss needs me to do. I have some responsibility that remains consistant throughout each day, but I usually spend at least 5.5 hrs (out of 8-10) working one-on-one with my boss, or just being given something new to do. It’s really nice, for a change, but its also really annoying.

Before: Go to work, same thing every day, too much work for 1 day, so I prioritized what I had to do that day.

Now: Go to work, run my morning report, then figure out what has to happen. Find my boss and go over what the new upper management has decided to change from the yesterday’s plans. I finished my dashboard – I’ve requested a definite list of of customers to focus on — and its changed every day. Yesterday I spent nearly 7 hours with my boss working on this and reworking/realigning our department. I kid you not, 15 min before we were supposed to roll it out, management said to stop and they wanted to rework tomorrow morning (today).

SO. This morning when I got to work she was already in a meeting with management… so I waited. When she got out, I went to find her and discussed it. Ok, so they rearranged everything and did it in a very poorly thought out plan. So, we started reworking what they had done…

Its like we’re negociating. Who should be responsible? Sales? Customer Service? Transportation? Supply Chain? Give and take. Work. Trash. Rework. Argue. Rework. Rework. Rework.

Is there an end in sight? Tomorrow will be 2 weeks that I will have been working on this project… Can it just be done?

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