Am I intolerant? (rant of things that annoy me)

A lot of things annoy me, but I never say anything about them. I don’t gripe about a lot of this stuff. I find a lot of stuff of OD alone that really annoys the crap out of me. And instead of bottling it up/letting it go (like I always do, just like everything else in my life), I am going to let it out. So, let’s start a list…

1. People who post an entry that is an exact copy of a news article that you can find somewhere else on the web. Why in the world would you post a news article? How annoying.

2. People who use fonts and/or colors that are hard to read, nearly impossible to read. Why post something that no one can read? Why make it hard for people to read? Screw you, you’re annoying.

3. People who intentionally falsify their age, like saying their 106 years old. Why? If you don’t want to post your age, then don’t. Why even bother? Do you really think its that cool? Do you think it sets you apart or makes you cool/unique/different/special? It doesn’t. And you’re annoying.

4. Girls who are 12-14 who have boyfriends, want boyfriends, are obsessed with boyfriends, whine about boyfriends, go suicidal over boyfriends, write endlessly on what he meant by saying “Hi” the other day…. not only are you very annoying, you’re pathetic.

5. Christians who believe in the Bible and go to church, yet they’re ok with saying, “Oh my g–” or “good l—.” Umm… have you read the 10 commandments? What part of, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord they God in vain” have you NOT heard? You’re annoying, and wrong. You really, really bother me.

6. People who complain about the price of gas, but they accelerate very quickly and drive a gas-guzzler. You’re doing it to yourself, you moron!

7. People who drive cars/trucks that spit black fumes because they won’t pay $20 to a Quick Lube place to get their oil changed. Even worse, they won’t pay $8 to buy the oil and do it themselves. Stop polluting the environment you annoying person!

8. Republicans who are OK with drilling in Alaska. Ok, kill the environment, trash the area, scare away the wildlife, ruin the traditions of the indiginous people who live there… all in the name of saving a buck. The world’s our oyster, let’s take advantage of it, AKA, let’s rape the beautiful wilderness and call ourselves heros. ANNOYING.

9. Democrats who try to drown out what Republicans say just because they don’t like it or don’t want to hear it. What are you so afraid of? You who argue so strongly for free speech, equal rights, etc., can’t stand a taste of your own medicine? Annoying.

10. People in Amsterdam (or the Netherlands in general) who argue that the age for man-boy sex should be lowered to, I dunno, 8? 9? That’s gross and sick. Man-boy, Man-girl, Woman-boy, and Woman-girl sexual relations is wrong, sick, gross, evil. A child has no concept of what that means. At that age they cannot consent. And no, I’m not saying this because I am backwards, or old-fashioned. I’m saying this because sex and children should never, ever mix. So, if you think that way, not only are you annoying, you’re sick.

11. People who boast in front of you how honest they are, and how they believe in integrity and respect, but they are constantly going behind your back and well as others backs ALL THE TIME. ANNOYING and rude.

12. Dogs. They as a species are annoying. They sniff, scrounge, lick, bark, scratch, require lots of effort. My main reason for not liking dogs is because they are, and have been, man’s living robot for centuries. They love no matter what. They sit there and watch you, they react to your facial expressions, they always come back for more. I don’t like blind love – I think its dumb and makes you do dumb things. Annoying. And they smell.

13. Business and the drive for profit. I hate the way business works. How can we increase our profit? How much margin can we squeeze out of our customers, who will then pass-on that favor to their customers. In the end, the consumer pays at least 80% more for the item than what it cost to make it. That sucks. If companies can make that kind of profit, how about they pass more of it on to their lower-level employees? With rent, student loans, credit cards, and life in general, its hard to make it on my salary… and I make more than the average person in my county who’s in my position. Annoying (and unsatisfying).

14. Jocks. Ooh, where do I start? To all jocks: you’re not cool, not hot, not sexy, not worth it, probably fairly dumb, and your success in life will be based on…. what? That NFL contract you’re going to get? HA! Dream on — time to get serious. Stop the drinking and start studying so you don’t end up a loser like a lot of your friends will. You’re attitude is the worst. You’re not that important and how you convince girls you’re the “hottest thing since Han Solo” is beyond me. Its sick, disgusting.

15. Frat boys who party and drink. Dumb-ass, go to college…

16. Girls who fall for and/or date #s 14 and 15.

17. People who are on welfare who choose to stay on welfare ’cause its the easy way out and they don’t have to worry about money. You are probably one of the MOST annoying people. Get off your lazy butt and do something – I don’t care if you didn’t go to college, I don’t care if you only have a GED, I don’t care if it hurts your pride, McDonalds will hire you. SOMEONE will hire you. Go out and do something with your life! More than likely you have several mouths to feed – go do it and become a person, not a life that depletes society and drains our economy. Annoying!!!

18. Racist black people. That’s right. I know anyone can be racist, but what I hate the most is black people in America who are racist. They make claims about how unfair the white man is and how we whities are still playing favorits and taking advantage of them. Now, I grant you, some of this still does go on. BUT, it does not go on everywhere and you don’t know everything. Don’t jump to a conclusion and don’t accuse someone of being racist because you didn’t get the job or you don’t qualify for something. You know what, you’re not entitled to everything just because you are black or your great-grandfather was a slave. You’re a person just like me. If I’m more qualified, then go do something to make yourself qualified. If you’re more qualified, then I’ll go somwhere else and become more qualified. You are more than annoying to me.

19. Affirmative Action. I really hate affirmative action. Good theory, bad rules. I agree that diversity is good and should be encouraged. Different personalities, backgrounds, and values is a GOOD thing and can generate some great ideas for business politics, life, etc. However, when I don’t qualify for college acceptance because my skin is white and the school needs more black/hispanic/asian students, I have a BIG problem with this. Why can’t we all be on equal terms? If you’re argument is that you came from a poor neighborhood and you’re education was as good as you could get, but not Top University quality, so what? Go to college, prove yourself, and transfer to the college you want. Its annoying.

20. Tax brackets. When I first learned that people of different incomes paid different percentages of taxes, I was floored. Isn’t this just generating further inequality? Why should the rich get ta

x breaks that the poor won’t qualify for? Why should there be inequal tax amounts at all? Its dumb, pointless, and annoying.

21. Parents who work full time all their kids’ lives and wonder why or how their kid turned out weird/gothic/suicidal/dangerous/a dope-head. HMMM. Well, where were you during their childhood, a time when moral values are instilled in children? Did you approve of violence, let them be spoiled, and not discipline your kids? If you said “yes” to any of those, then there’s your answer. It’s all your fault! Oh, and if you’re concern is that Johnny can’t read, well, that’s not just the school system’s fault. Its equally if not more so yours. Schools don’t raise your children – you do. That’s why they’re YOURS. You should make sure their homework is done and encourage learning. TV and video games are not educational replacements (or parent replacements). If you’re not reading to/with them, not checking their homework, not making sure they can succeed, how is it not your fault? You’re annoying – and your kids are dumb. (BTW, this rant is not directed at single parents. I respect single parents and I know they have a difficult challenge schedule parent-time with work, not to mention money. This is more directed at the 2-parents 2.4 kids type of home).

22. People who are over-expressive with their emotions and physical feelings. For example, if you have fake nails and you are bowling, you are dumb. But if every time you roll the ball you turn around and look as if someone stabbed your abdomen with a serrated blade, you’re annoying. WE KNOW ALREADY, STOP REACTING!

23. People who demand to be the exception to the rule. “Well, last time it wasn’t a problem, can’t you just let it go this time?” or “I don’t like that, can’t you just bend policy for me?” or “I’m very important, bend the rules or I’ll fire you/go somewhere else/fine you.” Grr! Rules, as a whole, are there for a reason, so stop asking! It’s annoying!

24. Prison sentences which are cut short due to over-crowding or “good behavior.” Good behavior? Aren’t you in prison because of bad behavior? I say, build more prisons.

25. The argument that the death penalty should go away because its too expensive. I say, if they get the death penalty, they get 2 appeals tops… then immediate execution. Stop wasting tax dollars just because you can. If you killed someone (or several someones), you’re convicted, and the conviction is not overturned, I say you should die. And quickly.

26. The idea that prison inmates should have cable TV and high-speed internet, etc. Umm, am I paying for this? My tax dollars are… so why am I making your stay comfortable? You are in prison – I say it shouldn’t be all peachy and cozy. No TV!!! No movies except where weekly showings happen. Prison is punishment. When kids are grounded, we take away their TV privilages. Well, why not in prison? Or is that just unfair? Besides, if I can’t afford digital cable, why should we give it to prison inmates? Its annoying.

27. Smokers who say that its their “right” to smoke in public. Well, isn’t it my right to breath smoke-free air? Don’t I have a right to health in public if I choose not to smoke? Since your “right” infringes on my well being, I say my right trumps your right. Go smoke in your house or car. Otherwise, don’t pollute my airspace. Selfish bastards.

28. People who think that you can’t have fun without doing drugs or smoking. That’s NOT true and I bet you’ve never tried it. Alcohol and drugs are unhealthy and dangerous – why would you want to mess around with that?

29. Terrorists of all kinds. This means people who sabotage other peoples work, property, or lives. Who gives you the right, the authority to decide life or death, rich or poor, well or poor, food or starvation? You’re everything that’s wrong in this world.

30. People who say, “The theory of evolution is scientific fact.” Ok, so you don’t know what “theory” and “scientific” and “fact” mean — cause they kinda don’t work together! A theory is NEVER fact; its a theory because it can’t be proven. If it can’t be proven, then its not fact! Dumb people, can’t you think? Oh wait a minute, that would mean you’d understand scientfic process… and if you understood that, then you’d know that the above statement doesn’t make sense… and you never would have said that in the first place. Ha, you’re so dumb!

31. Girls/women who obsess over their weight if they’re a size 00-12. That, my friends, is a very healthy weight (or unhealthy, in some cases of being a 00-2). Get over it! Be happy with who you are – if you’re within a healthy weight and you have muscles, then you’re OK. (If you’re larger than a size 12, that’s not necessarily an unhealthy weight. I had a draw a line somewhere, so I went with a 12).

32. Horror movie ads/previews being shown on TV annoy me. I am an educated adult, and I don’t like seeing those previews – they’re gross and have awful, horrific images. If you want to see the movies, then go ahead. But please don’t show me scenes with freaky faces, blood, chainsaws, huge knives, girls screaming, undead, etc. I don’t like seeing or hearing it. Plus, when I have kids, I don’t want them seeing it either. I’d rather watch an ad for an adult phone dating service than a horror film.

33. The paradox that when Christians are portrayed on TV/movies, people believe it, but when the FBI is shown on TV, people are skeptical that that is the way it is. Well, maybe that’s just me…

34. The fact that we say “on tv” but “in a movie.” What the heck???

35. People who pay hundreds, even thousands of dollars on their pets. For goodness sake, they are a pet – you can replace it with another for about $50 or less! Is it really worth putting Fido through chemo to let him live another year? Or maybe you should put Fido down, spare him the pain and duration of treatment, surgery, and a slow death, and give some other homeless animal a good home. Or, give the money you would have spent on Fido to charity – for humans or animals. People can be so selfish when it comes to their pets – its annoying.

36. People who put animals on the same level as humans when it comes to “rights.” Ok, last time I checked, we humans have built cities and invented airplanes, computers, etc. What’s the last thing a hermet crab, goldfish, little Fluffy the Persian cat, or Rufus the puppy did that was similar to that? They are an animal!!! Human life should always, always come first.

37. The people who take my statement above to mean that I hate all animals and assume that I am anti-environment and I would support bull-dozing forest with an endangered species for a hospital. The answer is: I would not support that. I’d fight for the forest every time.

Wow, that was cathartic.

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RYN: thanx for your note….atleast someone out there understands. and i read your entry and i agree with alot of them, most people are hipocrites. take care hun xoxox

thank you for the note. That was my point too. I am not perfect and I know it. We have a lot of the same annoyances.

October 8, 2006

RYN: I was curious about you and found in reading this that you’re very aware, intelligent, and have a good common sense of what’s going on around you. I agree with you, but beyond that .. you’ve made a difference. You made a move to make others think. So often we live in and for the moment, but you’ve painted the bigger picture, in many cases. Thank you for noting .. or I never would have found your thoughts and feelings. Your brilliance.

ryn: (notes im not sure if you know this or not, but i have an eating disorder…im not saying this in a rude way so im sorry if it sounds like it. its hard for me and i struggle with weight everyday. i just wanted u to know that cuz from your notes it didnt seem like you knew…thanx for your advice though and take care 🙂

October 9, 2006

my whole school is filled with jocks and yea i do not find them cute at all, and i never thought of on tv vs in a movie, that’s interesting, and i posted once an article in my OD i figured no one would click on the link cuz they were too lazy haha…