
I am in charge of our household finances and budget. I took this over last summer, right after Matt and I were married, because, well, I’m anal and organized, and have control issues. I have a hard time letting something like that (something so important) be left up to someone else. Well, I rocked it for the first 6-7 months. Then starting last February I started slacking off… and it got to the point where I stopped paying attention. (Thank goodness we have overdraft protection on our bank account). SO, my new challenge is to get everything under control and really attack our out-of-control credit card debt so that by December we’ve done a 180 with our finances. I really want to decrease our debt and, eventualy, pay off all of our credit cards and start saving money… or just pay off the debt and then take a trip to Europe…

Europe! I haven’t been to Europe since I got back from my year of study in Collonges… I came back June 2003, so its been over 3 years… THREE YEARS! We almost went last May, but the idea came so suddenly and I hadn’t planned my vacation time from work to do that. So, our plan is, if we pay off enough debt, we will go sometime next year. We’ll go in May, right before the busy season, or in the fall, after the busy season. We’ve also discussed going for Thanksgiving or Christmas, so I can use some holiday’s to prevent using as much vacation time as possible from work.

So, now I’m off to study our finances…

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September 17, 2006

i dont even know what AF or DALF are!!! what are those??

September 17, 2006

im getting a lot of greif from so-called friends about my “dream” its the second pharagraph in my newest entry, if that interests you…what go u into french btw?

Hey thanks…i’ll for sure ask my dr. or she will prob just tell me the different kinds and what she thinks is best for me…i dont know why but the thought of going on the pill is kinda scary now since people have told me soo much about it lol

September 18, 2006

oh wow i want to take these exams! one thing i heard on a movie which goes something like this which i think describes both of us ” its about fighting for a dream that nobody sees but you” and that is exactly how i feel, and it’s fine, I don’t care how many people tell i am stupid for loving what i love or that i am mixed up (eventhough that happend to be a very close freind, though he tends to always be against me with his opinions)