signs of the end (signs of stupidty?)

So for centuries, people, mainly Christians, having been claiming that the world is going to end, and that end is coming soon. But centuries have passed and we are: still here. So what makes someone like me confident that the end is indeed getting nearer and it is reasonably close? There are several things that make the fact that the world is coming to an end painfully obvious. But first, some background.

I am a seventh-day Adventist. This means that I am first and foremost, a Christian. I believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I believe in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection and that it paid the penalty for all sin. I believe that you have to believe in, have faith in his sacrifice for your sins to be saved. Here’s what makes a SDA different from a lot of other Christians:
I believe that the 10 commandments are still in effect. They are God’s law and Christ’s death did not abolish our need to follow them. This means that I follow the Sabbath, God’s Holy Day from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Jesus did not change the Sabbath. If he did, show it to me in Scripture. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say that the day was changed or that we were to stop following that law. Instead, the Catholic church changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday to make it more convenient for everyone. I’m sorry, who said that we, mere humans, were supposed to change God’s Divine Law? I follow God’s Word, not man’s.
I believe that certain foods are still unclean for man to eat. This means pork, crawfish, shrimp, crab, and anything else that is not in the Jewish kosher law. No where does God take back his guidelines for our healthy diet. Now, a lot of other Christians will say that in a certain text (where God shows Peter all unclean things and tells him to get up and eat them for it is good/ok to eat) that God gave his permission. I say: keep reading, its a metaphor. God isn’t saying “Go eat pork, its ok all of sudden.” No, he’s saying, “Go preach to the Gentiles and all the people who you consider to be non-clean. My message is for them also, not just for the Jews.” So, I abstain from unclean foods.
I believe that prophecy in the Bible is meant to be studied and understood. I believe that the Bible gives us all the tools for understanding Daniel & Revelation (and all prophetic texts) in the Bible itself. I believe that anyone can understand these concepts with a little Bible study. I believe that it is important that we study these texts to know what is coming so we can be prepared.
I believe in doctrine. The SDA church has 28 “Fundemental Beliefs” that we profess to as a church -regardless of where you are in the world. I believe in all 28 of them and you can’t take any one of them away — to do so would be denying some aspect of what it means to be a Christian. I do not believe that we should water down Christianity to make it more convenient, user-friendly, or easier. There is nothing in the Bible that said we could pick-and-choose our beliefs, or tweak them to make Christianity more “attractive.” God and His love are attractive enough – we don’t need anything watered down to try to draw people in. Once you water it down, you get watered down, weak Christians.
I believe that faith is a personal experience. I may not be convicted the same way as you are about certain things. I don’t believe that other Christian denominations are evil, not saved, or bad. God said that his believers are in many folds (different denominations/beliefs). I don’t want to judge other believers or other faiths. I believe that God is just – and if God has convicted you of something, follow it 100%. This may mean you are vegan, vegetarian, don’t drink, don’t wear jewelry, don’t cuss, women shouldn’t wear pants or men shouldn’t have long hair. Faith is a personal experience.

Ok, now on to why I am saying all of this. On point number 2, I said that I believe in prophecy. I do. I’ve been studying the book of Daniel for the past two months and I’ve learned a lot. The Bible gives a lot of signs of what it means when the end is coming and what “the time of the end” will look like. Well, I’ve definately seen some in the past few weeks. Allow me to elaborate…

1. The “morning after” pill is now available without a prescription, and anyone can purchase it. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the news articles. One argument against this legislation read, “If women are required to see their gyno/doctor to get birth control because of the hormones, shouldn’t they be required to see a doctor for the morning after pill, which has much larger doses of hormones?” Umm… yes, they should. There are huge health risks and it seems backwards that to get birth control you have to see your doctor and be advised of risks…. but 1 huge batch of hormones at once because you’re panicking? Nah, we’ll just let you buy it and if you don’t read the warning labels, that’s just too bad. I mean, c’mon people! There are serious risks and we’re letting teenage girls take this without doctor or parent consent! How is that at all intelligent? I know one of the big pushes for this legislation was the argument that if we make it more available, we’ll have fewer abortions, women should have the power to choose, and that it is their right to privacy. Ok, shut up and listen, stupid. Abortion = killing. You say it doesn’t? Ok, let’s ask the baby –yes, the baby– who is developing a heart, brain, nerves, fingers, fingerprints, and sensitivity. Too bad baby doesn’t have a choice whether it wants to live or die. Power to choose? Again, I say let the baby choose. If the baby is suicidal at 9 months or less, then fine, kill it. Otherwise, give it a chance. Right to privacy? If you’re old enough to make a choice to have sex, then you’re old enough to take the consequences of having sex. That means whatever STD you may contact or the chance of pregnancy. I say the father has 50% of the choice as does the mother have 50%. The fact that she thinks she can have 100% of the choice is absolute crap. There is now a 2nd party involved who’s body and sperm helped to develop your egg into a baby – now agree on what you are going to do. There are SO MANY couples/families who would like to adopt your baby as they are unable to have their own. Adoption is always a great choice.
2. Just today in the news, the BBC reported that the WHO (World Health Organization) has decided that DDT has no health side affects and is safe to be used around the world in the prevention of malaria. (JAW DROP). Ok, who forgot to go to college?!?!!! DDT is a chemical that was used widely around the world, even in the US, during the 1960’s. Then all of a sudden, people noticed that birds’ eggs were cracking before hatching because the shells were too weak to protect the eggs. It was such a huge problem that it was banned from any use in the US and in many countries around the world. What part of that little story from 1960 does not scare you? If birds weren’t giving birth because of health and birth defects, what makes you think that this problem doesn’t (or didn’t) translate into humans or other animals? I would say that if it can affect a bird, it can certainly affect a human, much less children and babies. Or, do we just not need the birds, so we’ll let them die out eventually? (

Ok genius, but then we would have a huge bug problem! That’s exactly my point!) I cannot believe that the WHO is turning their backs on all the data and real examples from our past that showed DDT was a bad idea. If you want to prevent malaria, then why don’t you just pass out malara innoculations and pills to everyone! The pills are for anyone over 12 and work very well!!! Oh, but that would just cost too much! Poor baby, at least we’ll have our birds, stupid!

So there you have it. The world is becoming more and more stupid (even though we gain more and more knowledge, we’re not becoming smarter). The sheer backwardness of what is going on in this world tells me that we are spiraling more and more out of control. We have this overconfidence that we are intelligent, knowledgable, the dominants on this world. Ok, so we are. But what are we doing with it? We’re destroying life! We’re not working in harmony together, the world is not becoming a better place, no matter what you tell me. People are getting darker, more evil. Violence, rage, warring, disputing, recklessness, selfishness (or, “F— you, I’m looking after myself and only myself” attitude) are rampant. Ideologies and religions teach peace and a better future. We’re not heading toward a brighter, better, sleek and sterile future. No, we’re heading toward a future that looks like the Matrix (without the robots and mind control). It’s bleak, ugly, and evil. It’s a subtle movement, perpetrated by those who do not realize what they are doing…

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September 16, 2006

woo, rant! =D to be fair, i wanna make two points: first, the morning after pill (plan b) is available OTC only to women 18 & older. the reason that regular hormonal birth control isn’t is because those are used over a much longer term & the risk of serious side effects can change depending on your medical history & the amount of time you use them. so it’s in your best interest tofind the one that works best for you personally & a doctor (or nurse) can help you determine that. plan b, the specific type of the MAP that is now available OTC, has many fewer & less serious side effects than other (more controversial) incarnations of the MAP. but i think the main point here is that its effectiveness decreases the longer you wait to take it. so seeing a physician may not be logistically possible. & anything that decreases the incidence of abortions is a good idea to me.

September 16, 2006

okay, second. current research on ddt indicates that low levels (the amounts used to protect against malaria) are very unlikely to be environmentally hazardous. the bird thing in silent spring was falsely recounted by rachel carson (she left out key details and reported inaccurate findings). they haven’t been able to replicate the results she claimed the original study had found. assad as it is, malaria is so common in countries that are just too poor to be able to afford widespread inoculation. should they be ignored because they can’t afford good healthcare? of course not. interestingly, since there is a stigma attached to ddt, they’ve tried using other pesticides to ward off the mosquitoes. but those alternatives have to be reapplied more often and are far more toxic to the environment. sorry to leave my own rant on your rant! =D love ya, cutie.