its been one week

since I’ve last written here. Well, let’s see. I’ve done two finals and finished three classes… Two more finals to go and I am done with my junior year of college. YaY. It feels a lot better than it sounds, actually.

I think I need to go to the doctor about my stomach. Its been giving me really weird problems for quite a while, and now its a daily occurence where I feel mildly sick… or there’s just a weight in my stomach that won’t go away. I’m rarely hungry… all food is gross because it makes me feel ill… this list goes on. Today I’ve had one meal and I’m nowhere near feeling hungry. So, yeah… but I don’t want to go see a doctor cause I’m afraid they’ll want to stick a tube down my throat. That is absolute horror to me.

On a lighter note, I’ve decided that if I could be any character from a movie, I would be Arewen from LOTR. She is… by far the most beautiful character/person I have seen. And its not necessarily that its Liv Tyler, but its the soft light, the clothes, the beauty… and so much more. Ah, but I’ll never grow to be nearly six feet like her – so there goes that dream. Seriously, I really like LOTR movies… I’m about halfway through the third one… for the third time this semester. I think few people appreciate just how classic this film will be. Its masterful. It certainly makes the Matrix trilogy look… sad in comparison. Actually, it makes pretty much any other movie look sad… except for Amelie and Star Wars. I think in a competition, if I were to judge them, I’d go crazy before I could say which was “the best” of them all.

This is a very boring entry. I’m sorry.

I’ve been contacting grad schools for Matt and my trip starting next week. We’ll be gone 8 days to Chicago and Boston to look at schools and meet with faculty. It’s kinda nerve-wracking, actually.

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May 1, 2004

Hmm… I felt like that once. Is there any chance that you might be pregnant? Cuz that’s exactly how I felt when I was. Could be something else, though. Just go to the doctor! They probably won’t stick a tube down your throat. Hope you feel better! =o)