wedding bells in the distance

I can hear the wedding bells in the distance now… Matt and I set a date over Christmas break – May 29, 2005. Exactly 2 weeks and a few hours after we graduate college. Some people say we’re crazy – I say we’re in love and we want that date. (grins) Now that that is in place, things feel different. It seems like its really happening… not that it didn’t before, but my perspective has changed. I now have a reason to get in shape – hence, I am working out 3-4x a week. Finally! For the first time in my life! Plus, I am eating very healthy, including a low-carb diet that will help prevent further weight gain (side affect of PCOS) and future diabetes (again, side affect of PCOS). So, this includes eating a salad every day at lunch plus fresh fruit. It feels so good to be like this!

Of course, I’ve been looking for wedding dresses constantly online… I look at about 600 every other week, I would estimate… Of course, that does include duplicates. I never knew the wedding industry was so big.

Matt and I started registering! We’ve started on, but we’re going to check out a few more places before we actually make a final decision.

We’ve also started looking for wedding rings. Now, my engagement ring is huge and gorgeous. The band is irregularly shaped, making the idea of adding a wedding band very… difficult, unattractive, etc. So, we were leaning towards the idea of just keeping my engagement ring alone as the wedding band. I am perfectly content to do that – the effort Matt put into designing it and buying it is all that I ever need. Now, I did say that we were leaning towards that. Now we’re thinking about something else…

We found the most beautiful ring online… Its a man’s ring – for him. We wanted to get him something that would go along with my ring – kind of match, in a way. However, that is hard to find. In fact, its impossible. But then we found this beautiful ring that he and I both just fell in love with it… (grins) Its a white gold engraved ring with the prettiest design. (How can a man’s ring be pretty?) Anyway, it turns out that the company has an identical woman’s ring… So Matt and I talked about it, and he likes the idea of buying that for me in place of my engagement ring. He said we could make this ring for “special occasions” and it would become a family heirloom. (giggles excitedly) I love him so much!

So today, we went to the mall and went “browsing” for rings. We actually wanted to find out his ring size since his ring finger is oddly shaped (due to past surgery and a permanent metal pin embedded into his bone – ugh, makes me shudder just typing that!). Well, we hit every jewelry store in the mall, looking at designs, getting prices, and hearing helpful information.

But when I got back to my room this afternoon, I ordered his ring – the one we had originally found online. I am SO very excited to see it – I promised him I’d wait for him to open it… It should be here next Tuesday or Wednesday. If we decide we like the pattern, then Matt will order mine soon. (smiles)

Wedding, wedding… We’re even in the middle of making reservations for the church and reception… this weekend I plan to call a pastor (same one who is a professional photographer – kill two birds with one stone, eh?) and ask him to officiate the service.

Oh yeah, and we found the hotel for our first night. (grins in a mischievious way)

More on the rest of my life, later.

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January 16, 2004

WOW I had noticed we hadn’t heard from you in a while now i know why!!!! busy busy busy!!!! you should put a link to the ring or put a piccie of it here i wanna see what it looks like!!! and you found a hotel…*grins back* good for you!!

January 17, 2004

hey, props to you for actually getting stuff done… i’ve got all these ideas that i’m not following up on, & i really should be… you sound WAY more on the ball, which rocks 🙂 take care & be safe

January 20, 2004

If you haven’t been there already has something like 3000 dresses. I could never wait two more years for our first time! I couldn’t even wait 2 years to being with lol… I definately admire your determination and self respect!