What is she?

A rose by any other name would still be a rose,
its beauty engaging, never forth telling the future,
just showing you the present in all of its glory,
So what is she if she fills not only your present,
but your future with such glorious thought.

A muse; one that drives inspiration to the writer,
eloquent and captivating while it last, but like its past,
it too leaves one until the next time she is needed,
And her? she stays here regardless, to inspire not only ones words,
ones’ actions, and ones’ outlook on cloudy days.

Sunshine in itself is as great as can be,
from letting us enjoy the day, to helping you lay and let it be,
from thoughts of great times with family, friends, and everyone in between,
Is She? yes, but more than the sunshine to my days,
she is the light that is guiding them right,
she is the schedule on daylight savings time,
urging me to be as productive as i can be,
so im sitting here typing all these words for her,
knowing that even the mere essence she’s left,
is enough to get me started with this.

And when they say that perfection is for the ignorant and naive,
i will pray to them to see beyond the normal eye and see what i see,
that even with flaws and worries, even with stubbornness and guilt,
even after failures and regrets, all of that matters not as she smiles,
opens her eyes wide, while looking at me straight in the eyes,
as she holds my cheeks and slowly draws me in,
and with her lips she breathes new life into me,
allowing me to know that perfect is something,
that she and i can be…

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