Don’t Stop Me Now

I did something I feel was long overdue yesterday and picked up Queen’s Greatest Hits cd.  I used to have the same thing on cassette, but I can’t put a cassette on iTunes. Freddy Mercury may be the best voice to ever have walked the planet.

We’re planning a trip to Birmingham, AL next month, Minnie and I.  She has some more vacation time coming up and we wanted to go somewhere we hadn’t been.  Then it turns out she’s got a cousin living in Birmingham who’s apparently always wanted us to visit, so we’ll have free lodging.  I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll ever actually pay for a room on vacation again or if we’ll always find somebody on whose hospitality we may intrude.  I’m fine with that as long as it’s always somebody we know– the day we start looking for total strangers to let us sleep in their houses is the day I suggest we finally head over the the Motel 6.  I hear they’ll leave a light on for ya.

I’m not sure why I haven’t mentioned this before, but Matt was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago.  I guess I didn’t feel like it was my business to go writing about it… but damn it, I don’t have anything else to write about.  Basically what happened was he was making a left turn at a traffic light, on green and well within the right-of-way, and a lady in an SUV ran the light going the other way and slammed into his driver’s side, just about level with the dash.  What happened next comes from our buddy Tanner, who was in the passenger’s seat, because Matt says he really doesn’t remember it.  Matt tried to open his door and found it wouldn’t budge, and, according to Tanner, "pulled a Rambo" and kicked the door open with both feet, jumped out and ran over to check on the other driver before Tanner had even managed to take off his seatbelt.  Matt’s car was beyond repair, having, among other things, lost the wheel on the front left, and Matt himself suffered whiplash, as well as strains in his right shoulder and elbow and his back.  Tanner suffered one of the gnarliest bruises on his knee that I’ve ever seen.  There is good news though.  Since the lady admitted in the police report that she not only ran the light but that she was speeding (55 mph into a car that was basically stationary), her insurance has to pay off Matt’s dearly departed LeSabre, his hospital bills, buy him another car, and in the meantime he’s driving around in a 2009 Mitsubishi Gallant provided by Enterprise.  I believe he said he was also due some "pain and suffering" money besides all that. 

Still though, it’s sad that my life is currently so uneventful that I have to write about what’s going on with my friends instead.

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September 1, 2009

So when should I expect my copy in the mail? 😉 lol I’m not a Motel 6, but I’ll leave the light on for ya, too! If you’re ever in the Louisiana area, that is, and need a place to stay. Do you consider people you know only to be people you’ve met before in person? Hm. Man, people are getting into automobile accidents all over the place. And I’m hearing about them from everyone! Aaron was sideswiped by a cop a couple of days ago. He almost hit a tree. The cop didn’t even bother stopping. He was going after some other guy who was speeding. There’s been a complaint filed and everything, plus an estimate established for the “bashed in” area of the back right side of his car. I can’t even imagine. I would have been the chick who “road rage” followed the cop and demanded to know what the F his problem was. Heh.

September 1, 2009

Sheesh. I wish a car had run into me those years ago instead of an embankment. Stupid uninsured embankment! Anyway, at least everyone seems OK and well covered. The only thing I know about Birmingham is the part I have to drive through to get back home if I go that way. I understand it isn’t the safest city in the world, but nothing is these days.

September 1, 2009

Door’s always open! Figuratively. Literally, I make sure my door is locked half a dozen times before I go to bed. Oh! And if you like to see stuff that nowhere else has, there’s always the Vulcan statue with the glowing green light at the top. I remember going there when my brother graduated from Auburn.

September 1, 2009

Ha! I guess I have good taste. 🙂