Remember Tomorrow

I’ve been having weird dreams again, and on top of the dreams themselves I’m noticing recurring themes.  Not actual recurring dreams, mind, though I have had those in the past, but I will sometimes have a dream that takes place in a location another dream had previously done so, and usually this is a fictional location.  Or at least it’s a place I’ve never been.  But that’s not my focus here.

Last night was a weird one, but I remember very little.  I remember being in a house and finding adult videos, which I was just putting back on top of the tv after having only picked them up to see what they were.  Just as I was doing that, the owner of the house came in and assumed I had been watching their videos, and immediately said, "Alright dude!" and proffered a high-five. 

The night before that though, wow.  Once again, I don’t remember the whole thing.  I do remember that for the bulk of the dream I was wearing an awesome suit– White jacket, white shirt, red vest, and black pants.  I suppose that could be pretty close to being a butler’s uniform or something, but I thought it was badass.  Anyway, this one concluded with a climactic battle between me and a cybernetic Billy Zane. 

yeah, that billy zane.

I defeated the Zanenator (who was dressed like somebody’s dad– slacks and a short-sleeve button-up shirt) by shoving him into the seat of a restaurant booth (we were apparently fighting in a small diner) and jamming a large steak knife through his eye socket, the blade protruding through some weak point in the back of his metal skull.  That wasn’t enough though, as he smiled that emotionless Billy Zane smile at me and reached up to remove the knife.  I did what anybody would do– I applied electricity to the steel blade, shorting out his cyberbrain and ending the threat for good.  Wondering where I got electricity on such short notice?  From a source that simply wouldn’t work in real life, since there’s no current– a butane lighter.  Those use a small electric spark produced by the same button you hold down to release the gas, like a grill striker.  But physics be damned, I did it and it worked despite the evil Billytron trying to fend me off with his free hand while calmly attempting to excise the blade from his skull.  There was even a harrowing action-movie moment there where it looked like the sparker wasn’t functioning (the lighter had obviously already run out of fuel and I was just carrying it around in case I needed a spark), but just in cliche style the third click of the button unleashed a veritable lightning bolt.  That’s when I woke up, confident the worst was over, and that RoboZane would never menace mankind again.


you wouldn't believe how many hilarious photos there are of this guy.

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July 29, 2009

Do guys really congratulate each other on seeing naked girls? And if so, why? Like, what’s the big victory?

July 31, 2009

Aw, I want to see the second picture – but it’s not showing up for me! I guess that means you destroyed him?

August 1, 2009

AHAHA! Nice.

August 4, 2009

I keep having really weird dreams too, but mine are usually demon children that are coming to kill me. I have no clue what that’s all about. I’d rather have your dreams haha.