
I feel like making this entry a bit random.

I got pulled over by a highway patrolman yesterday for about the most asinine thing ever.  This guy left somebody he already had pulled over, followed me from where he was to the next redlight on the highway- at least two miles, maybe more- and then cut Tompall off just to pull me over and stand in the rain outside my window and yell at me for not moving into the left lane as he got out of his vehicle on the side of the road.  It’s been nearly 24 hours since the incident, and he "let me go with a warning," but I’m still so pissed off about the whole thing that I can taste it.  I’ve never heard of any law in MS about such a thing– I under stand that it’s perhaps a courtesy thing, but not a law that I’m aware of.  Motherfucker asked me when the last time I had gotten a ticket was, to which I replied, "Never."  He asked me why I didn’t slow down and pull into the left lane when I saw him on the side of the road.  For one, I didn’t slow down because I wasn’t speeding, and for two, I didn’t pull over because there was a large SUV directly beside me.  Why were they so perfectly parallel to me?  Because they had been speeding in the left lane to get past me, until they saw the blue lights and slowed to match my speed.  I tried to explain this, but I got as far as, "Well, sir, there was another vehicle–" "Yeah, yeah another vehicle, I hear it all the time! Do you understand blah blah blah overly-muscled blond-hair cop talk blah??"  I said, "Sir, I’m sorry, but there was a grey SUV in the left lane right next–"  "You mean to tell me that you couldn’t see my blue lights far enough back to slow down and let the ‘grey SUV’ (as if he simply didn’t believe in the existence of this alleged SUV) pass so you could get behind them??"  No, asshole, to be honest I simply didn’t think of it.  When he finally decided to let me leave, he never even turned off his lights while he got back on the road, cut Tompall off again as he pulled back onto the highway from wherever he had stopped to wait for me, and pulled some other hardened crimnal over in front of me, presumably for sneezing behind the wheel or failing to roll down his window to release a fart.  I honestly think he did it just to see if I’d pull into the left lane for his roided-up ass.  Has anybody else noticed that highway patrolmen are the muscular jocks of the law enforcement world?  Oh, the things I’d like to say to that cock-loving, frosted-hair assclown.  Stop me for failing to obey a rule I didn’t know existed?  Stop ME?  When I think of how hard I try to obey traffic laws, and how many times a day– every single day!— I see some asshole do something so dangerous that they should have their liscense revoked but there’s never a cop in fucking sight, but then I can be stopped for something so goddamn arbitrary I feel like I’m going to have a nosebleed from the stupidity of it all– GAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

So anyway, now that I’ve established that I will probably never forget that horseshit for the rest of my life, it’s time for a totally random change in subject.  I was reminded earlier of a friend of mine who lived in what may go down in history as the shittiest apartment ever.  And I say that for two reasons, the first being that the place was downright shitty anyway, and the second being that by the time the guy was done with it there would be no way in hell anybody else would ever want to live there.  To start, the whole apartment was two rooms: a kitchen and a living/bedroom.  The kitchen basically had room for a tiny fridge, a tiny stove, and a card table they used for a dinner table.  But of course, since the guy in question was the way he was, there was no way possible to eat at the dinner table because there was so much random shit on it.  I mean anything too, like maybe there was something that belonged on the one surface in the entire kitchen like a loaf of bread, but you might find literally bloody anything on that table.  Toys, half-eaten food, magazines, tennis balls, a typewriter, a shoe, seriously just whatever landed there stayed there forever.  There was quite literally nowhere to walk because his junk just lay about all over, and as I mentioned before, the bedroom was also the living room.  So if he or his girlfriend were trying to sleep, they were forced to do so over the noise of whatever anybody else was doing mere feet away in front of the tv.  When they had a tv.  Did I mention that the place was actually the attic of what was once a single house that had been converted into about three apartments?  Yeah, so on top of being tiny, you got the added benifts of having to climb the most rickety, rotten staircase on Earth about twelve feet up to the door, as well having to duck in certain areas to keep from bumping your head on the sloping ceiling.  I think they paid a solid Benny a month for that place.  I think utilities were even included in that. 

I bought Disgaea 3 for PS3 a few days ago.  That’s awesome and all, because I paid $39.99 minus $8 in store credit I had… but then yesterday I was in Tupelo with Tompall (this is before the asshole cop incident).  We were at Best Buy, and while I was talking to a friend from college whom I haven’t seen in years (and who promised to send me her new phone # on myspace at some point) Tompall found a bin of games for ten dollars each.  Guess what he found in there.  Go on, guess.  Fucking Disgaea 3.  And it came packaged with a soundtrack CD, which my $40 version did not.  On the plus side, on the way out the door I spotted a book on one of the shelves by the register that I couldn’t pass up.  Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.  I’ve never read Pride and Prejudice, but the back of the book states that it "transforms a masterpiece of world literature into something you’d actually want to read."  So after I finish off the four-book "Legacy of the Drow" series I just bought, I’ll try that one out.  I’ll try to remember to mention that when I finally get around to it.


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May 25, 2009

That whole merging to the left lane when a cop has someone pulled over is a hot subject right now. I guess it would have always been a courtesy, but now, as you know, they are going after people for it. I don’t know where all the hype sprang up from all of a sudden, but it definitely is getting a lot of attention.

Hence why I marked that note private. I am paranoid. LOL

May 26, 2009

The cop is right that you absolutely should pull to the left when you see a car pulled over on the side of the road. Your defense is that you didn’t know, so I’m inclined to say that him pulling you over was him teaching you about the law. I’m not sure why he had to be an ass about it though. I guess cops have bad days too. It was raining.

May 26, 2009

I still haven’t read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Hades has passed me the link a few times though, and I love the concept. I understand there’s a series of them.

May 26, 2009

I know it’s a law in TN that you’re supposed to pull over for cars on the side of the road, but how you do that without hitting the line of cars speeding next to you is a mystery. I didn’t think you’d get pulled over for not being able to do it, though. And that apartment you described makes me feel much better about mine. =

May 28, 2009

Ryn: Yeah. I guess I was trying to defend what he said, not how he said it.