Bark at the Moon

A few entries back I posted a picture of a zombie I drew.  Well, here it is again, updated.  I knew I wasn’t finished with it; I just had to find proper motivation to do what I wanted to do.  So here it is–

As you can see, I’ve done some shading.  Not something I’m used to doing in ink, I must admit.  Still, I’m pretty happy.  I was worried that my shading would interfere with Zombo’s beard stubble, and it didn’t… at least not on the real picture.  It’s not so clear on this tiny picture I took with my webcam.  Seriously, that’s a really messed up way to do this.  I just don’t feel like going into the other room to use the damn scanner.  I didn’t exactly add worms or blood or brains as requested by at least one person, but I think he looks, I dunno, deader than he did before?  The sunken eye sockets really stand out, which I like, and I think I accomplished the task of making it look like the light source is to his left.  Somebody may be wondering why he appears not to be wearing a shirt.  Well, there’s good reason for that.  In World War Z it is mentioned by one of the characters that the way zombies are often depicted by the media (keep in mind that this is a book consisting of fictional "interviews" of people who survived a world-wide zombie war) is a bit sugar coated.  Meaning, zombies are always portrayed clothed, but that "fact" is that more often, they’ve just wandered out of a hospital or even morgue, meaning that they are very likely to be wearing hospital gowns or nothing at all.

So that was fun.  What’s not fun is that I have to first post my pics on myspace or something before I can post them here… it seems you have to be on OD+ to upload pics directly.  That doesn’t bother me since I don’t want to actually pay to use OD, but I wish I didn’t have to worry about that extra step. 

Next time I draw a zombie I’d like it to be more disgusting. 

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May 7, 2009

Get a photobucket. Regular OD conveniently has that little photobucket thing to the right of your entries when you are writing one. And photobucket is wonderful and free 🙂

May 7, 2009

Oh and im at work and cant see your zombie right now 🙂

May 8, 2009

Nice! I can’t draw in ink. RYN: Shadowing is just when a new hire follows one of our counselors around on a typical day…just to get an idea of what the job repsonsibilities include.

May 8, 2009

Glad you’re enjoying “World War Z.” 🙂

May 8, 2009

photobucket = awesome + free

May 10, 2009

That’s a great zombie 5:00 shadow going on there. I hope you’ve also read ‘The Zombie Survival Guide’ by Mr. Brooks so you’ll know what to do when this guys comming after you snapping his jaws. Bravo.

May 14, 2009

yeah… you need to “disgust” him a bit *grins*