Cuts Marked in the March of Men

The Mighty had an interesting encounter at work today– I helped somebody wrangle a wild animal that was on the loose!  Here’s the scene: I looked outside and saw a strikingly tall lady with long, blonde hair walking briskly across out parking lot.  This is unusual, so I watched her momentarily until I saw the thing upon which she was so stolidly focused.  I saw my opportunity and stuck my head out to see if I could help.  The beastie had hidden under a car, so I walked around to the side, which spooked the creature up onto our wheelchair ramp and onto our sidewalk!  I got in front of it so as to block its path, but it was quick, and it darted back the other way.  Luckily, that Valkyrie of a lady was there to halt its retreat, and finally we worked it into a pincer when it tried to go through the glass of my storefront window.  Just as we were trying to decide who should actually grab it, a man came over and said, "I got it, I have gloves on," and the two, who, by their matching outfits must have been with some sort of animal control unit, walked away with their captive.  Now, I have to tell you that I wasn’t afraid to touch the creature with my bare hands, but I didn’t want to lay hands on it in case my doing so would give them cause to blame any injury the animal sustained on me, so I let them do the dirty work. 

Anybody curious what sort of monster I tangled with today?  Well, here’s a clue:

this little guy.

That’s right, a duckling.  And it was very soft.  I know because it clambered over my hands a couple of times during the "struggle."  I had actually seen the whole family of ducks, or at least the mother leading her line of about ten chicks, several minutes before anybody showed up to rescue them from the traffic.  Thankfully mother duck seemed to know better than to lead her babies onto the highway.  I believe the lady said they got them all but the mother and the one I helped rescue, and I think the guy with the gloves corrected her when he showed up and said that they had indeed found the mother as well.  I hope the whole family was returned to their intended habitat with a quickness.


This is weird… my kettle corn is making my Mello Yello taste a little grape-like.  Not a bad thing per se, but weird anyway.

So, here’s the deal with work.  Sow didn’t show today, as I had sort of expected.  But the fact remains that I’m fed up with the hassle, so I sent her a text to see if she was planning to come, as I had not begun to feel any better about my situation but would like to leave on the best terms possible.  She responded that I would still need to work out a notice for that to happen… I had thought that she gave me a notice already two weeks ago, but I guess she didn’t actually see it that way.  So two more weeks, and that’s it.  I don’t care what happens after that, I’m gonna go home two Fridays from now (or possibly Saturday or Sunday that weekend if I’m feeling generous) and I’m never going to come back through that door.  I have full intentions of leaving my key and nametag on the counter as I go. 


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May 3, 2009

just be careful.. i don’t wanna be hearing about a dangerous murderous strain of duckling flu coming this way *grins* ryn: i moved to germany 5 years ago… for love. go on, roll your eyes and stick your tounge out at me. i so totally deserve it *rolls eyes at self* see? that feels better 😉 i am now driving a rock hard campaign that will have me and the love moving to holland! fingers crossed!

May 3, 2009

ryn: and i am from sweden, so it’s totally ok to ask ^_^

May 3, 2009

I always knew you had a soft spot somewhere.

May 4, 2009

Aww, I thought the story was going to end in the requisitioning of a number.