Until it Sleeps

My ex-manager says that if I have to leave, that she has no reason to hang around.  I agreed to tell Sow that Beth had indeed put her two week notice in the same day I told her about Sow giving me my ultimatum.  Did that sentence make sense.  Not repeating it, so decipher it with the clues I’ve given you.

So, new Star Trek movie… not so sure about this one.  Yeah, the Enterprise seems to be present, as does a man named James Kirk… but he seems to be an adrenaline junkie/thrill seeker type of guy.  I’m assuming the whole thing takes place sometime before the old series, but I have no idea.  Not sure I care anyway. 

I had a discussion with a customer a few days ago about how when I was a kid, I didn’t remember seeing commercials for new movies ever single week.  Think about it; it seems like there’s pretty literally two or three films being released at theaters every Friday, and several times that on dvd every Tuesday.  I don’t remember that being the case!  I could be wrong, but in the late ’80’s/early ’90’s, it seemed like new moves were sort of a big deal.  I know shitty little independent films were and are always being made, but I remember the big movies being fewer and farther between.  I don’t know, maybe I’m full of crap.  Point is, the result is an oversaturated market, and so many movies all the damn time that nothing stands out.  You can take basically 90% of all the horror movies that come out now and lump them into one category– they are practically all the same movie.  Same goes for all romantic comedies.  You could probably take them all and cut scenes from each and splice them all together and nobody would notice.  It’s like a movie isn’t allowed in theaters anymore if it has any substance.  No matter what sort of movie you make, you have to obey certain constants within the genre in which you’re working.  Movies are like radio rock– all just different flavors of vanilla.  Some of them have some chocolate chips or maybe a ribbon of cherry syrup, but still that same vanilla base.  A good movie should be Neopolitan, and a great movie should be Rocky Road– ooh, or that awesome lavender flavored stuff they had at Baskin Robbins for a while?  Anybody ever have that?  Man, it kicked ass.  But I digress.

Well, that rant came with absolutely no provocation. 

So anybody who knows me may be surprised to learn that I’ve decided to sell my swords.  …Some of you may be surprised to know I have swords, I suppose.  I have quite a collection, actually, and I’ve realized that they no longer serve a purpose.  Well, they never served an actual purpose other than being fucking awesome, but I think it’s time to let go.  They just sit and collect dust.  A lot of things in here do exactly the same thing, and I’m sure they’ll have their day too.  There may be a day when I decide I don’t want all these dvds.  There may be a day when I don’t want all these video games hanging around.  There may even be a day when I decide that all these books just aren’t my deal anymore… but those days are probably far off.  I do wish I could get some of this crap organized a little better though…

Tear me open, pour me out.  There’s things inside that scream and shout.

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April 28, 2009

I’m actually kind of excited for the new Star Trek. I’m not a huge Star Trek fan though. Maybe the movie is aimed at people that don’t necessarily care for Star Trek. I don’t know if that’s a good thing. I agree there’s a lot more crap that comes out these days, but there’s also a lot more really good movies too. We live in a wonderful time fore people that like movies.

April 28, 2009

Not that anyone really needs more time killers, but years ago a few of my OD friends pulled me on to a small internet forum. No pressure, but I think it’s lots of fun. It’s a nice mixture of nonsense, talk about movies, geek talk, and serious issues. http://forum.lankyland.com/ Feel free to lurk around and see if it’s interesting to you. Let me know if you have any questions.

April 28, 2009

pamelot, this is your invite too. I’m pretty sure I found one of you through the other.

April 29, 2009

RYN : Well, an ending work is something we have to do at our school. We choose a random subject and have to write at least 30 pages about it, interview people and so on. It’s to show we can write a lot about a subject, to practice for university and stuff like that…

April 29, 2009

… The anime class is a small part of the ‘human research’ – don’t know how to translate it – classes at our school. They have to learn about different cultures, and anime and manga are very important in Japan, so that’s why they see it in school ^^

April 29, 2009

*nods* this all makes perfect sense, and in a horrible weird way, i now crave rocky road. which will be my doom, since i can’t find any here in crap-tastic germany.. oh yeah… be happy i leave germany out of almost all my rants.

April 29, 2009

Love the ice cream metaphor! And I do hate vanilla!

April 29, 2009

I’m interested in the new Star Trek for at least one reason. The guy who plays Spock is a character from Heroes, and I love that show. My favorite kind of ice cream has peanut butter, waffle cones, chocolate stuff, and a possible assortment of other crunch-a-licious additives. I suppose my movie preferences are the same. Damn. I can’t believe you’re selling those swords. Every singleone of them? They’ve been sitting in that same corner since I’ve known you. How/where do you plan to sell them?

April 29, 2009

Ryn: I know what you mean. I was pretty intimidated when I first got there. They’re all pretty easy going people. Don’t worry about faux pas or anything. Just jump right in and respond to anything that looks interesting. Also, I have some moderation powers, so seriously I can help with pretty much anything.