Scream of the Butterfly

I took off today, first Sunday I’ve had off in I don’t know how long.  I also took off next Sunday, but as I’m preparing for this to be my last week at work, that shouldn’t make a difference anyway. 

I’m looking forward to not getting phone calls at home or when I’m out and about on my off days.  I’m looking forward to not answering the phone, every time expecting it to be some jerk with a complaint who’d rather yell at me about it instead of chill out and let me help them.  I’m looking forward to not being on my feet 9 hours a day.  I’m looking forward to not having to remember coupon codes, to not having to count money, to not having to call Sow every day for one thing or another, to not checking my stupid voicemail, to not handling dvd’s all day, to not wiping shelves, to not stocking drinks and candy, to not recieving the same, to not climbing a ladder to hang signs or attempt to change light tubes only to have it turn out my efforts were in vain because the ballast is bad and a professional is required to fix it  but Sow won’t do her part to get them in there to fix them.  I’m looking forward to not wanting to blow my brains out every single day. 

Who’m I kidding, I haven’t checked that voicemail in like a week anyway.  I don’t see the point. 

The only thing that might change things is if Sow just doesn’t show next Friday like she said she would.  That won’t do.  As far as I’m concerned, it was all over for me the day I told her how I felt.  For me, there never really was the option to simply step down and keep working there.  Why remove the blemish if you aren’t going to sew up the wound?

I promised ol’ Bladge I’d paint a spider on his garage door.  I really don’t know why other than the fact that he found several living there when he moved into his house.  I’m not sure when that will happen, but I’d like to do it.  We’ll see. 


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April 27, 2009

A spider? *shudders* Tell him no! And that’s probably one of the only Acid Bath titles I recognize. I know how you feel about the happiness associated with not doing things you despise anymore. I’m hopping that will happen to me soon, even though I haven’t settled on the idea of what I told you about before.

April 27, 2009

I think you deserve the time off 🙂 Im sorry that the job didn’t work out better. I hope Minnie is well. Take care of yourself! (oh and i was talking about you last night. What’s the wrestler’s name that’s in that movie ‘the wrestler’ 😉

April 27, 2009

Actually, Nate and I saw the commercial yesterday and he seems to think it’s some washed up wrestler turned actor. That’s not true? I consider you my movie/wrestling authority 🙂

April 27, 2009

Edit my own note: It’s Mickey Rourke? I read that he boxed for a little while… i didnt make the connection though haha. Thanks anyways 🙂