Slow Cheetah

Well, I got a gift from my uncle in the mail.  Uncle Sam!  Federal tax return, baby!  Now, I’m not going to say how much it was, but it was the largest I’ve ever gotten, since, you know, I actually earned quite a bit of money toward the end of the year.  It was very timely too, what with Best Buy having their anime sale, and my being off today and all.  I think I’m gonna have an awesome time.

We had a little snow here the other day, like maybe an inch and a half tops.  I have a question though.  Why do people think that it’s okay to touch my damn car just because there’s snow on it?  When I left work that night, there were obvious hand-shaped tracks through the snow where people had been scooping it off.  That’s not cool!  I don’t like random assholes touching my car.  Maybe I’m the asshole for thinking there’s something wrong with that, but if I had caught anybody doing that, I wouldn’t have been kind.  "What the fuck are you doing?" comes to mind.

I had a smart-ass fortune cookie the other day.  It said, "You will live a long life and eat many fortune cookies."  What the hell is that?  A little joke by the fortune cookie writers?  Or does it suggest that I’m going to spend a lot of time in Chinese restaurants?  And isn’t "You will live a long life" a curse in certain cultures?  At least it didn’t say, "May you live in interesting times."  Of course, I guess that’s true anyway.  I got another stupid one yesterday– "Your inner-child will play today."  Got that while I was having a particularly stressful day at [rhymes with jerk] so I think the last thing my inner-child was doing would be playing.  I think that little fella was probably hiding in a corner somewhere, hoping he didn’t have to come out and help with the bullshit the rest of me was dealing with. 

I suppose I’ll be back later with a rundown of anything I buy today, since I’m planning on that number being pretty high compared to any normal trip. 

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March 4, 2009

Woot for tax monies! I used mine to pay off some bills and buy a cat fountain. And to sort of, uh, buttress my bank account, which I needed after my insane electric bill. I’m never using electricity again! Screw that stuff.

RYN: Scented, yes, but also it’s sage & citrus. Sage is supposed to promote well-being and around caleb, i need it. lol. But mostly I’ve noticed that if a room smells really clean, your brain tends to be tricked. LAZY GIRL HERE.

March 4, 2009

I am spending my tax return to remodel our bathroom. Loads of fun, huh? I wish you lots of luck with your buying!

March 5, 2009

You have to look at this: Now get to cookin’! I’m gonna surprise Jason with something (probably moogle cupcakes). I’ll photograph if it turns out ok.