Whoever Brings the Night

Well, this is it, entry number 500, and I got nothing.  I did have an interesting thing happen at work, but in the end it didn’t amount to anything, so I don’t really want to go into it.  Involved some people thinking their battery was dead and that they needed a jump, but it turned out they just hadn’t properly deacivated the alarm system on the car they were test driving.  Apparently some new vehicles have an anti-theft device that makes the car just not start if you don’t enter the car quite the right way.  Whatever. 

I’m still trying to decide what to make of my tree slice.  I’ve had one or two ideas, but nothing I actually decided would be good enough.  I always sort of lean toward something anime-related, since previous pieces depicted things such as Gene Starwind and Melfina from Outlaw Star, Alucard from Hellsing, and Link from the Zelda game series.  I love doing things like that, but I sort of don’t want to.  Can’t really define why… maybe it’s because I wanted to do something original.  But I also sort of don’t want to do that either, because if I try something and fuck it up, I’m out a slice of tree.  So probably I’ll do another anime character or something, just because I know I can, and heck, I really enjoy it.  It just comes down to the question of what. 

Speaking of anime, I hear that Best Buy is going to stop selling it at certain stores.  As a result, they’re selling all their current stock at half off.  Hell yeah, I’m going down there.  It sucks though, because FYE is closed now in Tupelo, and with the Best Buy there closing, where the fuck am I gonna buy my anime now??  Bastards. 

Oog.  Had a bit too much to eat I think…

Well, this has been a fine mess of a 500th entry.  My milestones are always bullshit.  Oh well.  Later.

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March 2, 2009

Ooh man, I found a really good website for buying anime. Now I can’t remember what it was, but I’ll for sure let you know if I remember. Also, I found a movie for you to review. It’s more of a documentary, but I loved it. It’s called The Weather Underground. It’s very eye-opening.

March 3, 2009

Hmm…I might have to check out the two Best Buys in Knoxville. In a way I hope they’re having the sale, but I also don’t want to have to buy anime off the internet, or at Borders. Borders is expensive. Also, I need vol 3 of Sandman, which sucks because it’s 100 bones. I should read slower.

Man, I used to go to BB every weekend to buy media until the kiddies came. 😉 I miss that. Now, I mostly buy online.

March 3, 2009

Congrats on 500. here’s to 500 more 🙂 ill have to check out our best buy too

March 4, 2009

RYN: Man, im glad someone agrees. Have you seen my myspace? LOL

March 4, 2009

ryn: lol! I think the people on that website mentioned Spock, but Spock doesn’t count because he’s half Vulcan. =P