
I’ve had a "take no shit" attitude at [rhymes with jerk] lately.  A guy called and started swearing at me because he claimed he didn’t have an account at our store because he lives "over a hundred miles away."  I said, "Okay, sir, I’m going to ask you to do one thing, because I’m trying to be professional and help you out.  Stop cursing at me."  Take that, asshole.

Anyway, enough about that.  I’m still planning to see F13 tonight, but those plans may get derailed a bit, because I also decided to go see Justin’s folks and hang out with his brother.  Also, Minnie’s with me today because we’re both off, and she doesn’t like the scary movies, so it may not be an option anyway. Maybe I could go tomorrow and catch the early show.  Anyway, not important. 

Here’s this thing I sorta promised to post.

The right arm (left side of the picture) looks a little short because the paper is curved where it’s bound in the book, but the general idea is there.  Oh, and if you saw this picture yesterday, it was before I added shading.

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February 25, 2009

Looking at it now on the Internet, the hair looks slightly different than the rest of him, like it’s more of an anime style, but then you know that I think that’s a-ok. It’s hard to tell, but the legs might not be proportional to the length of his hands, now that I look more closely.

I think it looks pretty freaking awesome. I wish I could draw.

February 26, 2009

ryn: I keep hearing about it. I guess I should toddle on over to Netflix and add it. Also, yeah, I understand the proportion better now. I can only curl my leg as far back as my butt, which is where that leg seems to fall.

RYN: 5’4″. It’s so hard being a girl. Even if you find a guy who really truly loves you and your body, you still have media around every corner telling you that you arent’. Clothes are made for women without curves… I dunno, sorry for the rant.

RYN: AHH, That does sound really awesome! I’ve often wished we had a revival theater somewhere nearby. There are soo many oldies & cult classics that I never got to see in their full big screen glory (my parents were decidedly anti-movie theatre). Sucks how you can find something truly awesome in this sucky world, and not have enough of your peers recognize it’s awesomeness to keep it around 🙁

February 28, 2009

Very nice work. oh and Friday the 13th was terrible… just a tittie fest. Sorry… that was the best way to put it.