Wizard’s Crown

I’m back in "refusing to write about work" mode apparently.  Why write about it when it just pisses me off more to do so?  I’m just trying at this point to forget about it all while I’m not there so maybe the time I’m not there won’t be poisoned. 

So, as a result, I’ve got less to write about.  Awesome, right?  Back when I had no job, I could write about whatever random crap popped into my head.  But I suppose the trade-off was that I only wrote about once a month at times.  These days I try to at least check my notes daily, and if I can write a little something down, then good.  I don’t think I’ve gone longer than two or three days without writing something since about August of 07.  I don’t actually feel like researching that, but I do know that I’m somewhere near 500 entries, (this will be number 492) and that the first hundred seemed to take forever.  It may have in fact been an entire year before I hit the hundredth sbemail I mean entry. 

For anybody that was wondering, I’m still reading Memoirs of a Geisha.  No, I really don’t know why, other than the fact that somebody brought it to me.  I probably could have finished it quickly if I didn’t have anything else to do; I used to read two or three books a month, if they were available.  I sort of miss those days.  The days when I really just didn’t have shit to do, and if I happened to have seven or eight dollars in my wallet, I might spend it on a book to read.  These days it seems I’m buying books constantly (and other things too) but then I simply lose interest in most of them before I even finish them.  It isn’t true, I realize.  The fact is that I’ve bought tons of graphic novels (thick comic books) over the last year or so, and with one exception I’ve finished all of those within a day or two.  The reason it seems like I’ve had so many books is that people keep loaning me books I never asked for and saying, "This is awesome, read it."  That’s why To Sail Beyond the Sunset, Hyperion, 2001: A Space Odyssey, all sit unfinished on my shelf.  It isn’t because they aren’t good, but more because I tried to force myself to read them.  At least with "Memoirs" there’s a chance I’ll finish it, since I’ve always been fascinated by Japanese culture.  Ever read Shogun?  I did.  It’s about 1200 pages, and it’s awesome. 

I’ve run out of useless crap to talk about. 

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February 21, 2009

I love comics. I just got into reading novels like a year or two ago. I’ve never been a strong reader cause I couldn’t focus. Stress kinda pulled me down, so, sitting with time to think was not good times. Plus, I’m a little OCD. When I start something (like reading), I have to finish it. It would haunt my sleep. My friend told me to read Enders Game, and yeah, that pretty much opened the flood gates to reading. I read almost the whole series (if you knew me, that would be impressive). Most those books a read in a day. It shocked me, cause for years I thought I couldn’t read. Now I’m reading “school” classics, like Austen, Dickens, and some Ayn Rand and Orwell cause I love the fall of governments. Ever heard of Paperbackswap.com? I love this site. It’s cheap. Most people can’t give up their books, and other can stand not getting “new” books. But if your cool with those two things you might like that site too.

February 21, 2009

I should read Shogun. I’m still trying to read Book II of Absolute Sandman that Jason got me for Valentines.

February 28, 2009

ha. I’ve had my diary for 7 1/2 years and don’t even have 400 entries. Wow… that’s a long time, hm?