
I gots the new Guns N’ Roses album.  It pretty much rules.  When did Axel Rose become such an artist?  I know this has been the case for many years, since there’s a big difference between "Paradise City" and, say "November Rain" or "Civil War."  Anyway, the song whose title I stole for this entry is one of my favorites on the album.  I considered using to post that very song on this entry like I see people do sometimes, but then I decided not to.  So there.

I was actually in a good mood today at work.  Actually, I’ll take that back– my mood may have been borderline terrific.  Nothing made me mad, even things that might have had I been in a worse mood.  And the weird part is, I was happy partially due to all the work we had to do.  I don’t know what that’s all about.  See, this week we had orders from higher up to pull 2500 of our pre-played movies (the ones we sell for less than the price of a brand new copy of the same movie) to ship back to distribution, and had thusly been allowed 21 extra hours for the week to make sure we had the necessary coverage; you know, one person to run a register while another works on this pull.  To put this in perspective, 2500 items equals roughly half of our stock of pre-played movies, which we call PVMs.  That’s a lot. 

Well, the plan was to use the extra coverage to accomodate this large pull from the 15th to the 20th.  Buuuut we’re kinda already done.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!! TAKE THAT ASSHOLES!  I can’t take much credit for this feat, however.  Tiffany worked yesterday, and I had given her plenty of warning that this was going to happen, so yesterday she and Ashley worked their asses off on the project.  Then Misty called in sick, and Tiffany not only decided to stay and close (that’s an 11-hour shift), but she also decided that they should just keep working on the damn thing.  As a result, this morning when I got to work I found eight boxes of movies stacked up between the counter and the drop box, as well as a big box of all the locks they pulled from those movies.  That’s awesome for two reasons:  First, that means they were over half done– we only filled five more boxes today.  Second, we’ve NEVER had that many surplus locks.  I’m pretty stoked about it. 

Then, to top off my good mood, one of Sow’s lackeys called and said we wouldn’t be having a conference call today.  All told, it couldn’t have gone much better.

…Or could it?  After I got off I went to Wal-Mart and bought a pint of Ben & Jerry’s new Cinnamon Buns ice cream.  I don’t think I have to say this, but I will anyway:  It’s friggin’ delicious.  Although, I don’t compare it to actual cinnamon buns as much as Cinnamon Toast Crunch, one of the most awesome cereals in Ceral Land. 

It’s possible my good mood is just spilling over from yesterday.  See, I actually took off yesterday, the first Sunday I’ve had off in months.  By total coincidence, Minnie was also off yesterday.  So we took off to Jackson, TN to celebrate a late Valentine’s Day.  We had lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse, I bought that cd I mentioned, as well as a box set of Final Fantasy Unlimited sort of on impulse.  I almost never just up and buy anime, or much of anything for that matter, without some prior knowledge of it being good.  But I want to do more of that, since I can afford to now.  That and, I have to admit, because it’s something Justin used to do constantly.  It’s thanks to that habit that I know how good Trigun and Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi are. 

Well, I’m gonna get me a bottle of water and settle down and relax till time to hit they hay.  I’m actually working open shift tomorrow as a part of this big project I totally won’t have to work on.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!  Later!

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February 17, 2009

I’m playing Fable II now and rented the hell out of Sukiaki Western Dijango…or whatever.

February 18, 2009

You have inspired me to pick up that CD as well. Can’t wait to hear it!

February 28, 2009

I like the cinnabon’s ice cream too.. just only in small doses! I love you in a good mood. You deserve it.