
A thing occurred to me today. What if people actually used their potential? What if they actually broke free of their proverbial chains and allowed themselves to live? What a world it would be.

Say what you mean, not what you think someone wants to hear.

Don’t be such a liberal that you’re afraid to take your own side in a dispute.

Smile when you want to, not when you’re supposed to.

Laugh at jokes you actually understand, and at yourself once in a while. Humility is the key to not taking yourself too seriously.

Start relationships out of love, not convenience.

Try to love more people than you do right now.

Try to love yourself more than you do right now.

Believe whatever you feel is true in your heart. Put the message before the medium.

Don’t exclude those with different beliefs than your own – learn from them.

Talk to someone face-to-face, eye-to-eye and about what’s really on your mind.

Do what you love to do. Do it now.

Work where you want to work, not where you get paid the most. The contents of your mind and soul are more important than the contents of your wallet.

Help someone everyday.

Don’t be afraid to show your emotions every now and then.

Crying is nothing to be ashamed of.

Don’t wait until tomorrow to do what you could do today.

Lastly, if you think what I’m saying is a load of crap, then tell me to shove it – you’re entitled.

If it sounds like I’m preaching, it’s because I am.

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June 14, 2004

Nope, not a load of crap at all. I’ma try to work on les suggestions.

June 14, 2004

F*ck yeah.

June 14, 2004

yeah, too bad the world is full of douches. Have a good one,

April 11, 2018

Take your own advice, guy.