Tea Time


Wednesday night is always a lovely time for tea.  And life is too short to not make an opportunity of each moment like this.

So when AJ mentioned again that his throat was hurting, I asked if he wanted some hot tea. 

The other two boys ran to the kitchen to say they needed tea too!

And boys need to be sophisticated, right?.

What started to be a soother to a raw throat became an opportunity for cultural growth.

Some automatically know what to do with a cup of tea in fine china as I discovered when I looked over at AJ.



What mom, doesn’t everyone drink tea this way??



Well not CC, he obviously does not know about the pinky.



"CC, watch your brother and show me the proper way to hold a cup of tea"



DZ, now it’s your turn, show my your pinky.  (Well obviously, he was not paying attention and ….HOW did you like the taste of that fine cup of tea?



Lets try again, "now show me your pinky WHILE drinking your tea"  (were not quite there but if that pinky action was on the proper hand, then it would be spot on.)


After a little more instruction, he tried again…..(we will still work on this)


Because as you can see, sophistication and boys….well…..it’s a hard lesson to learn.


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April 15, 2010

I just adore your wall of drawers, by the way! And it looks like DZ is giving you the finger there. Heh!