Where have I been

I almost feel a confession coming on.

It has been 2 years  5 months and a few days since my last entry.

Oh my!

Amazingly all of my old diary entries are still here.  And as I was reading what I was doing 2 years ago, I realized that there are good reasons that I have been missing in action; many many things in my life have changed.  Let’s see:

The volunteer hours I was putting in at The Arts Center evolved into a full time position.  I am now the business director of this GREAT community non-profit arts center.  I’m sure there are many many entries to come about my work and play there.  In fact, most of my time over those last 2 years revolve around art center programs, events, fundraisers, and receptions etc. 

To get acquainted with The Arts Center, go to http://www..explorearts.org  or visit our facebook account under Clemson Arts Center.

My personal life suffered a little with the demands of my work life but Tom and I are still adjusting.  Living with me for 20 years, he knows how involved I become in new projects.  The boys get to take advantage of the art, music, and martial arts classes so that has been a huge plus.

I am currently working very hard on getting balance back in my life.  It’s funny because as I read over old entries, I was so focused on finding a job, securing an income and having all that that brings.  Now I want balance. 

I had some highs……………

In the last year, I trained for two marathons, reached new levels of fitness, and completed the Walt Disney marathon in record time.  (My record time that is)  Not to be confused with the record time of a Kenyan that is, although i secretly want to be Kenyan.  And I will be training for another marathon soon with time being the goal.

I turned 40 during a surprise trip to New York.  Tom allowed me to hop from Broadway play to Broadway play just like I had always dreamed.

I had some lows…….

In the last year ( and a little bit), I lost my mother to Cancer.   She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in July, surgery in August, Hospice in November, Goodbye in December.  December 22nd to be exact.  That was an incredible experience.

I’m sure there were some in betweens……

Those stories to follow.  Or maybe not; perhaps I will start with the now.  I imagine I will make new friends.  I have no idea who is still on Open Diary and who has moved on. 

Hellloooo………..Are you there?



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February 1, 2010

Hellooooo! So sorry to hear about your mother. So looking forward to hearing about your life now.

February 4, 2010

I’ve wondered where you are/how you are doing, etc. It’s good to have you back.

February 4, 2010

I’ve wondered what you’ve been up to! Go you on the marathons! I’m so sorry about the loss of your mom 🙁

February 7, 2010

Hey! Nice to see you back. Sorry to hear about your mom. That’s heartbreaking. Yay you for you marathon accomplishments. I can’t even imagine running much less running a marathon. I’d definitely try walking one though. lol