These are the words

I adore the way my children express themselves……..

CC and I went to visit Uncle Royce.  He has a farm with horses, roosters, dogs, cattle, you-name-it-he-has-it.  It is always a treat to go visit and I always have a camera handy.  When we drove up there was a rooster standing in the yard with a big dog resting in the sun right beside it.  CC leaned out the window with a very surprised look on his face and said, "Look mom, the dog is NOT eating the chicken"   (you may remember the incident with Rosie at the berry farm, if not then I will just say the our dog DOES like to eat chickens and therefore to Chase all dogs do)

As he stepped on the front porch he said, "Uncle Royce is the one with the hair like this (he made a special sound and ran his finger in a semi circle above his ear)  Yes, Uncle Royce is bald except for the common male pattern.

AJ this morning was helping me make a loaf of zucchini bread.  He poured in the flour; he grated the zucchini, and then stirred it all around.  Just before pouring it in the pan I asked him if he wanted to say a little prayer over it. …..You see this bread has a special destination….to a precious family down the street with two children 11, and 13 who just lost their mom.  Mom was taken to the hospital on Sunday with an aneurism and died Monday at noon.  All unexpected.  We did say a prayer for Dallas and Stephen and then AJ asked if he could add some love so just before pouring the mixture into the loaf pans he kissed 20 times toward the batter and said, "Now they have our love"  He also added a few extra kisses just before the pans went into the oven.  The bread smelled especially sweet as it baked.


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August 1, 2007

Awww! Your kids are just the best. And what’s with all the tragedy around you?