
Not too long ago our family of 5 shared space with and love for Two dogs, Two kittens.

No longer.

Mikey Luna met with even a worse fate than Church at the mouths of the dogs.  Details too horrific to share. Judging by the hair found in the yard, Luna was probably the third victim, with number 2 unknown. 

Two dogs were surrendered to the Humane Society with all the strength that I had to not have them put to sleep.

I’m in a sad funk.  Our family is well. 

Aj snuggled up with Mikey the Build A Bear stuffed cat tonight with a hug and a word:  "We still have Mikey, who will always be with us and can’t be hurt"

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September 14, 2006

Oh no! That’s terrible!

September 14, 2006

Oh no!

September 14, 2006

OMG! How horrible! Poor little Mikey Luna. Poor AJ and the rest of the boys. That’s just awful.

Oh, poor kitties. 🙁

September 15, 2006

I am so very sorry 🙁 That’s just horrible 🙁

October 5, 2006

oh no