Twos are here and so are the stories

The old adage calls them the terrible twos and where I wouldn’t call them terrible, I certainly would call them challenging.

Yesterday after shopping at Big Lots we were loading the car.  DZ was standing in the cart ready to be loaded into his car seat.  Or so I thought but when I said, "Come on" with my arms extended he said, "No" with a little smile.  So I tried again, and I got another "No" with a slightly bigger smile"  After a third try I decided to pick him up and just take charge of the situation; insert intense screaming, squealing, and flailing of legs and arms.  So I did what any self respecting mom would do and placed him back in the cart and asked, "Ok Dz where are you going to sleep tonight?"  BIG smile and he pointed to the cart and said, "I sleep in cart"  Humm.  So I said a little prayer that he would not fall from the cart  while I jumped in the car and started it saying, "Buy honey, Have a nice night in the cart."  Finally, I got my   "Ok mom, I go with you" and as I buckled him in he said, "I sleepy with you mom."

This is called the paradox of parenting.  Where with my first and even second I would NEVER have thought to get in the car and pretend to leave them because there in no way in the world that I would ever actually do it and never wanted them to get the idea that every single action and word out of my mouth was anything less than the absolute truth.

Oh well.

A second episode.  Last night when CC and AJ were playing Lego Star Wars on the play station Dz was in the kitchen filling a cup with water.  I know this because I peaked around the corned and saw what he was doing.  I also saw CC in the living room no where close to the cup of water.  All the sudden I heard SPLASH and then saw Dz run toward me saying, "Mom, CC did it"  In the most perfect "im-going-to-tell-on-you-sing-sing-voice.  And even though I told him that I saw what happened and that I know he did it, he never changed his story.  CC did it.

Dz has not had his share of OD stories.  In fact I missed telling the way he learned to show I love you in sign language and would always say it, "I-you" as he did the motions. 

And the way I never sleep in if he wakes first because he will come and grab my hand and say, "Mom, come with me, I need a figgie"

And the way he adores "figgie newtons"

And the way every single cat in the universe is called mikey kitty cat no matter its name.  In story books they are mikey kitty cats, in the pet stores and in the wild.  Of course, Mikey was our cat from the day Dz was born until his death recently so I suppose cats will always be Mikey to him.  In fact we recently rescued a kitten from Palms a few days ago and it of course is mikey kitty cat.  We decided to name the cat Luna cat because I am copying Boudicca and have no originality in my bones.  So now the cat is referred to as Mikey Luna cat.

I will have to share photos.  My original plan was to rescue this kitten and find it a home, that is before Dz fell totally in love with her.  He holds her with one hand underneath her front legs and her body dangles back and forth. He will hold her in his arms and just stare at her for hours so I haven’t had the heart to let her leave. 

Dz you are my heart.



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July 15, 2006

Awwwwww 🙂 That’s how Piper holds Cinder and how Aaron held ChinMew. I think that’s why ChinMew loves Aaron the best of all 🙂

July 15, 2006

That is so sweet! 🙂

July 15, 2006

do you fill in some of the words in his sentences when you type them or does he really speak that way? because if he’s really speaking that way Levi is waaaaaay far behind. Levi’s “sentences” look like this: “yaya mess, mom”

August 6, 2006

On the way to school one morning the boys were wild. I stopped the car and put one out on the sidewalk. I drove around the block!!!!!!!!!! This was years ago when the streets were alot safer.