Ode to Mikey

My title a few days ago………….And then there were 7…………………..well in honesty that title should have read ……………And then there were 8…………………..which I could amend tomorrow with …………………And now there are only 7…………….not following me………….Let me explain.


Far before there were Golden retriever dreams in this house there was Mikey.  And why I didn’t mention him then might be cause for a little guilt right about now.


Mikey became part of my life when I needed a companion the most.  Not that it was practical while living in a San Mateo garden apartment  that did not allow pets…..but since when do we need practical reasons to invite something into our lives.

I didn’t ask Tom, because the answer would have been no.

And I didn’t think twice when one of my Mary Kay clients started talking about her rescue efforts of feral cats and kittens from the golf course in San Mateo………..I knew I would.

It had been years since I’d had a cat and most of my prior life had been spent with a furry companion by my side.  Even way back when I dressed kittens  in baby clothes and carted them around the yard in a baby stroller.  A fate Mikey never had to endure.

Mikey came to live with us on Hillsdale blvd in 1991.  He was a fiesty little critter but he became my heart in no time flat.  His constant attention was amazing.  His personality was amazing.  I have stories.

Every single time I would leave the room he would follow.  Even when I went to the bathroom.  I was never alone.

He would play hide and seek, backing his body behind the stairs just out of sight and stretching his head around the corner to see where I was so he could plan his attack

He loved Baskin Robins ice cream, mint chocolate chip was his favorite.  He would grab my hand with both of his paws and lick my cone… Don’t worry for the story’s sake we will say that I always let him finish it.  Don’t want to gross you out.

His favorite sleeping position was in the crook of my neck.

He loved to jump from the floor to your shoulders.  We became trained to bend our knees so he would have a jumping surface.  Otherwise he would grab on to your flesh with his claws.  That only had to happen a couple of time before we became wise.

His favorite sleeping place was the linen closet.  (see photo)

He moved with us to the boat…He was no landlubbin cat………..Once he fell overboard but he managed to grab on before being fully submerged.  He came into the boat soaked from his neck down.  We figure he dug those claws into the wood in the nick of time.  Or shoud I say the neck of time.

He was patient with us as we tried on new pets.  When Max and Perry (our lovebirds) were introduced he almost had a cow.  And a bird.  We would let them fly around and hold Mikey down to watch.  His mouth and whiskers would quiver and shake.  It was all bark because we would hold him securly in our laps and let the birds land on our shoulders and slide down to his back and sit on his head.  Mikey was jello.  Man were we mean. And Man was that funny.

Then there was Ginger.  A reclaimed Cocker with beautiful red hair.  We were told that we could test whether we were ready to have children with a dog.  If we could succesfully keep a dog we were ready to parent.  Ginger found a new home within weeks.  Mikey remained.  Mikey lived in the closet for the entire time.

Mikey’s first meal consisted of cold hot dog weiners.  And second and third.  Until I learned that was probably not the best thing to feed him.  But it was the cutest thing ever because the weiner was basically the size of Mikey and he downed it all. 

Mikey moved with us to South Carolina to perfect his southern meow.

After moving East, Mikey had to take a back seat to Aj, then CC, then Dain.  He became less social. More grumpy.  I tried to find a loving home for him but with no success.  Mikey began living outside for the first time in his life just a few months ago. But he basically moved to the garage.  My suggestion. Mikey is sick.  Really sick.  Mikey will be put to sleep tomorrow.  I am sad.  I feel guilt.



Mikey was part of my life for 15 years.  Tomorrow we will be back to 7.

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May 31, 2006

🙁 Awww *hugs*

May 31, 2006

I’m so sorry. 🙁

May 31, 2006

Oh dear. I’m so sorry. But what a wonderful full life you gave him, after rescuing him.

June 1, 2006

I am so sorry, it is never easy to put a pet down. It sounds like you have many wonderful memories of Mikey, thank you for sharing them with us.

June 1, 2006

ohhhhh he’s beautiful… How difficult… Our kitty Christopher is 15 years old and I DREAD the day we have to put him to sleep. He is my first child and my pillow hog… I know this will be difficult for you. *hugs*

June 5, 2006

He’s beautiful! I’m so sorry for you. I love cats and mine was killed about 3 years ago. I can’t talk hubby into another one yet. Boo hoo 🙁

June 10, 2006

so sorry

June 12, 2006

Ohhhh, I am SOOOO sorry 🙁