One more time, again

Last night I typed out this amazing entry and I would like to say that it just dissappeared TWICE but the truth be told, I was just too tired to get it saved before I hit the wrong button in my half aware state.  TWICE.   Of course, I was always the one to entertain my college dorm mates as I drifted to sleep.  Because while we would have a room full of giggling girls wrapped in pj’s and blankets I would be the one who would continue to be a part of the conversation as I was half asleep.  I still do that to this day.  If we are having a conversation in bed don’t be alarmed if I start talking about a bull in a red dress or whateverelse jumps into my sleeping psche.

What I set out to tell you last night was a grand current habit of my 2 year old. 

Stop.  Hold the presses!!!  We interrupt this entry for a REAL TIME update.  The above was written last night where once again I FELL Asleep.    But this time I didn’t talk of bulls in red dresses instead I had an entire row of lkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk before I shook my head and convinced myself to go to bed.  You see, I had to prove it to you that I go down fighting prose.  Only last night’s row of letters was not my finest hallucination, it’ll do.

My eyes are closing as I type right now.   I must hurry with this entry or I will be editing it AGAIN.   Luckily my entry was still tucked away along the bottom row of  open programs, I’m not sure tonight would be so kind.


Oh forget it SLEEP wins.  You will simply have to wait for that cool story.

No spell check for the sleepy Comedy.  Raw.  Me.  Good night.

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