I like you because………

My kindergarten-er has nightly assignments.  Homework if you will.  And even though usually these assignments are simple they sometimes get involved with requests like,  make homemade modeling dough or take your child shopping and let him follow a list.  Those kinds of things just need planning.  Especially when days later the assignment requires that we actually MAKE something out of the homemade dough (that I threw away.) 

 But sometimes it is simply sweet with the requests.   Last night it asked: "Complete this sentence for your child, "I like you because….." Let your child complete the sentence for you.

I started.  "Aj I like you because you have a tender and sweet and caring heart.  I like you because you are good and special.  I like you because of the memories we have made….I like you because sappy sappy sappy sappy…………………………………..You get the picture.

His turn.  He puts on his tender and sappy face, "Mom, I like you because you get me lots of cool stuff" 

Ok, but that is not exactly the answer I was hoping for so I asked for more, "Go on and why else" I asked.

Aj, "Mom, I like you because I love you"

Ok, that IS tender but I want to know WHY. So again I gave him another chance.

AJ, "Mom, I like you because you buy the foods I like"

So I like that and clarified with him, "Aj, you like me because I take care of you and make sure your needs are met even with things that make you feel special instead of just the basics and I make you feel protected and safe as well all while providing a great environment in which to exist."

He looked at me with those same wonderful sappy eyes and said, "Yes"

Ah well we got that taken care of.  I KNEW that was what he was saying.

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February 25, 2006

That’s so sweet 🙂

March 3, 2006

ryn: funny you should ask! We just scheduled it a few days ago (by paying the deposit-LOL) We’re going for 2 weeks, arriving August 5th 🙂 Will we get to see you all???? Right now, we’re talking about going to Atlant for spring break (March 31-April 7), but we’re not for sure yet…we’re waiting on one more estimate for our house stuff to come back before deciding 😛

March 5, 2006
March 8, 2006

That is so cute. Nice to read you. 🙂