
Ok, so where did I leave my story?


I’m so thankful that I took Dz to the doctor when I did, if for nothing more than a learning experience.  I tend to be a non interventionalist when it comes to health issues.  And I learned this week that sometimes I carry that to an unsafe extreme.


Dz should have been in the doc’s office on Monday instead of Tuesday and per the doctor probably would have been hospitalized to run fluids through his system.  Luckily his little system is strong and his heart stronger helping him  to self correct.  And now I am left with a pile of guilt of not catching it.   And I say if for nothing more than a learning experience because I will never.never.never make this mistake again.  Hind sight is 20/20 and I will never.never.never forget the look of his eyes even though at the time I couldn’t put my hand on what exactly looked different.  But Tom, Val, nor I caught that his eyes were sunken, we all just thought that he looked thinner due to the vomiting.


Dripping in guilt!  And thanking God every day that Dz is safe and sound.


With BICC (big impressive construction company) family is priority.  They promote family first and I value that.  It is true that I am only part time at this point but I would have had support to take care of my family as needed either way.   I am able to schedule around field trips, school volunteer work, sick babies, VBS week, etc. 


I am very fortunate, blessed, serendipitous, you name it.  This is the perfect job in the entire spectrum of the entire world for me.  


I do give credit where credit is due; I truly believe it is God’s place for me.


BICC builds custom homes.  Many are on the lake and many of the homeowners are moving into this area from elsewhere.  Real Estate is exploding and the home building industry is sky rocketing and BICC is one of the most respected names in the industry. I am honored to be a part of it. 


As I mentioned before, my title is Homeowner concierge and I am responsible for keeping a positive and warm relationship with the homeowner while the principles are out building the house(s) I am also creating a book from which the homeowners will work during the selection process.   Selections range from the exterior elements to the plumbing, lighting, cabinets, fireboxes, tile, carpeting, appliances SO much goes into creating a custom home, I had no idea.  I will also be helping the homeowner with color direction and a touch of interior design elements but only to the extent of helping keep the big picture in mind when they are picking the pieces.


One thing is for sure, my house is much smaller now than before I started this job.


For instance, we are building an 8000 square foot house with a 360 view of mountain and water that has a shooting range in the basement.  I just saw plans last week for a new house in progress with an outdoor kitchen that will be amazing.


My house is getting smaller by the minute.  This is the only drawback.  I’m not sure how I can be satisfied with what I have based on what I’m around all day. 


And there is so much more but I don’t know where to go next. 


How about a kid quote that will melt your heart?


Tonight as I was getting the boys into bed I had to step away before I could tuck CC in.  He kept calling for me to come back and tuck him in.  When I finally finished what I was doing he was sleeping but I still went over and pushed his down comforter comfort blanket around his little legs.  I whispered in his ear, "Dear God, bless this child I love him so much, thank you God for this child" and then I turned to go out of the room.  Just then CC said in a sleepy half awake voice, "Mom, I love you much more than that, I love you all the way up to God’s house"


Now that’s sweet.








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February 9, 2006
February 9, 2006

All the way to God’s house!

February 10, 2006

That totally tugs my heartstrings! What a sweet sweet boy!!! I’m soooo glad that DZ is good… I totally understand the mommy guilt thing!!!

February 10, 2006

Awwwww 🙂