Ahhhhhhhhh……That’s better and here they are

I’m going through the motions because I want to get back into the routine of writing.  Even though I’m not feeling like I have any stories to put down or memories to etch.  Well except for the memory of my son AJ spending most of his time on the soccer field, literally ON the field laying down and NOT paying attention to his coach or the ball coming right for him.  Not that he got whacked or anything but he is just not focused on playing.  He is focused on snack, water break, playing keep away with another kid who has no focus…..And what do you get when you have two kids on the same field with no focus………I don’t have a clever answer, it just sounded like a good what do you get joke…..But now I’m not focused…..I have no idea where AJ gets it from.

What was I saying?

Our soccer routine will be over pretty soon, we only play until October 18 and then poof as quickly as it began, it ends.  I really was not looking forward to keeping up with a three year old and a one year old while I tried to pay attention to a 5 year old on the field but it has turned out to be not so bad.  We pack a BIG this-is-our-space blanket in a lovely Aztec design, a BIG and I mean BIG black bag full of toys that I don’t care to lose or soil and enough snacks to satisfy an entire evening in case I don’t get to prepare dinner.  So our hour on the soccer field is somewhat enjoyable.  Except, again, for the son that is absorbed in his own world. 

And tonight except for the time my overly affectionate CC wanted to tackle hug a smaller boy who has a newly broken collar bone.  And Dain who is determined to have his space in life even if he has to pull, snatch, or demand what ever he takes a fancy to.  Including a beautiful little girl about his age from tonight.  So it was not without event. 

But some of what is going on in my emotions is making me hyper vigilant with my three sons.  And that is an entire story for a night that I can cry a bit.     But not tonight because I have to sew.  But I WILL share the story because It will prove to be therapeutic I’m sure. 

And that ‘s as far as I can go without getting yucky mucky and pucky.

So I will do a photo fix to get my spirits back because these photos make me smile…………………………………………………

Dress up is a given at our house these days, batman, spiderman and of course; firefighters.

This is their favoirte spot to enjoy a bite to eat.

baby Dain just loves to roll around on the floor, or on top of anyone who is willing….or asleep.

Dad teaches the boys to do the Hawaiian towel dance and ALL three boys were greatly amused.  And above, they needed a pose with the king towel wrapper.

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October 4, 2005

*waves* Hi guys!!!!!! I hope you do find time to write about it, I know it will be therapeutic. *big hug*

October 4, 2005

The towel dancers is a great shot!

October 4, 2005

LOL! I have always loved your updates and pictures!! 🙂

October 4, 2005

You have NO idea how GOOD it is to see you BACK!!! LOVE the pictures! Brayden had T-Ball a few years ago… he paid NO attention when he was in the outfield. He’d lay in the grass, put his mitt over his face… check out the “cute” girl in right field… you know… all the stuff you’re not supposed to do during a GAME! LOL

October 4, 2005

I hope you are able to write about it soon, writing things out has a way of being helpful. Great pictures. 🙂

October 5, 2005

too cute!

October 5, 2005