Baby Dain

Ok I can’t stand it any longer.  I am exploding with sweet sweet stories of the boys.  I am going to look back on this time as the quite period.  I mean where are the stories of baby Dain?  I documented so much of the older boys and it seems as though I have missed the most precious of Dain’s events.

I didn’t tell you that we indeed changed his name.  It is now a Dain Z instead of a Dain C.  I never did get those birth announcements.out. I was waiting on the name change to make sure it would be official and well now 14 months later I’m just going to have one printed so I can display them together in a fine piece of wall art.  He will never have to know that they didn’t go out to 100 of our closest  friends, right?  Until 20 years down the line,  he is sitting and reading all of mom’s diary stories and is discovering this long after the fact.  To which I say right now, "Dain I love you sweetie it is just that life is a complete whirlwind with three boys and being the third and final I’m sure I will remember all of your milestones anyway."

Like the undocumented first hair cut.  How your hair was a lighter shade of your mom’s red.  A precious strawberry blonde.  But after the locks were snipped away it turned blonde and no trace of the red remained.  But  as  the hair came off, all of those little baby features matured and you became a little man.  And actually it is documented in your baby book complete with all the strawberry blonde locks.

Like the undocumented first steps toward mom  as we played a game of ‘come to mommy"  and how you lounged head first into my belly every time you got close.  Well and actually these are documented on video and in the baby book.  

And there is no way that I could forget your gentle rubbing.  From the time you were born you loved to rub your hand back and forth on my skin.  And especially while nursing and  anytime you were going to sleep.  And really anytime you were in my arms.  I could always count on your little hand to slip up into my sleeve and rub my arm.

Ohhhh and how your brothers adore you.  Little CC calls you "My baby"   Anytime he is  missing you, "where is my baby" or when he is  introducing you, "This is my baby, Dain" or  "Have you met  my baby?"   And when he wants to love you (with a big kiss on the head)  "Ahhhhh, I love my baby"  Just the other night AJ finally looked at CC and said . "you mean OUR baby"

We call you our little Koala bear because of the way you dig in and hold on to us.  At 14 months you weigh just a little over 20 pounds and are the perfect  size to hold and snuggle.

And there are so many more………………..I could go on…………….but right this very minute as I type out memories  you are coughing and stirring in your sleep and it looks like you could use some snuggles.    And believe me I am ready to snuggle.

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June 27, 2005

Awww sweet baby Dain!! 🙂

June 27, 2005


June 27, 2005

awwww… 🙂

June 28, 2005

He IS so sweet and cuddly!!! And after trying to pick up Piper, he feels like a feather. I have a great picture of him, I’ll email it to you 🙂 We went to the climbing wall the day before we left. The boys were like “so, where are CC & AJ? Aren’t they coming?!?” LOL!

June 28, 2005

Awwww! Where are the pictures of your cute boys??

June 28, 2005

Where IS the picture of “my baby” 🙂 That is something to be cherished forever.

June 28, 2005

I’m sitting here picturing this full-grown Dain reading this. *sigh* So sweet!

July 12, 2005

Enjoy every moment, CJ!