Please go back one entry and take the test!!

Kids are sleeping. I told them a story tonight, it started like this,
“Once upon a time there was a super cool mom, the coolest mom in the
world” AJ interrupted me and shouted with his little slugger pitch,
“That would be you mom”

Now that melted my heart.

And CC
melts my heart at least once a day. I love his spirit. His little 3
year old attitude is about to drive me nuts but luckily he is moving
through to stubborn obstinacy instead of pure wild disregard. So I have
a few stories of him.

We have a food time tradition in this
family….when the meal is a hit and the boys love the food that I’ve
prepared they always say, “yum, mom make this again someday!!!!!” I
know I have a winner when I hear those words…It always happens for
homemade pizza, pasta and sausage, lox and bagels. It simply means It
is good and worth a repeat! So CC was saying his bed time prayer last
night, after he told me that God talks to him and that God flies, then
he prayed, “God, I love you, God, make me again someday”

Easter when the boys were gussied up. Gussied, that is a true southern
word….but I’m betting that you can’t spell it either so I’m probably
safe. Anyway. I asked them to sit nicely together in the front seat for
a photo. “Get closer to your brother CC” and “AJ put your arms around
CC” CC turned around to hug his brother for a literal interpretation to
‘put your arms around’ AJ backed off a bit and I insisted, “Be nice to
each other at least for the photo” So AJ looked down at CC and said,
“Awwww CC your beautiful” CC looked lovingly into AJ’s eyes and said,
“Yeah I know AJ” Then i snapped the photo and AJ immediately looked
down at CC with a reprise, “No, I was just trickin on you, you’re
really hideous” And he burst out laughing.

You know he is my
middle child. I don’t like labels and I don’t say that to him. Middle
child has much more of a meaning than just the literal. So instead I
say things like, “CC you hold a very special position in this house.
You’re the only one who is a little brother AND a big brother. (You
know like the book, “I love you the purplest”) Well Aunt Linda hasn’t
caught on and cornered him at the dinner table, “CC, honey, I’m so
sorry you’re thee middle child!!!” CC’s three people. And Aunt Linda is
a physiologist for heaven’s sake…..then she continued to say “well at
least you will have good negotiation skills”

Whack for Aunt Linda.

has an imaginary friend named Carmen. Not sure how close they are. I’m
thinking it is a direct link to Cartoon network. No need to call in the
exorcist. I had one when I was his age. Donkey was my imaginary friend.
Grandma loves to tell the story of my expression when aunt viney told
me that Donkey visited her. I think Carmen will be short lived.

phrase these days, “Put the lime in the coconut” And buddy we dance to
that commercial. I hear it all day, “AJ guess what? Put the lime in the
coconut” then AJ says “I knew you were going to say that” and then AJ,
“CC, guess what? and then CC “Put the lime in the coconut” and AJ, “You
knew I was going to say that” And over and over and over.

Guess what? (I can hear the song in my head) Very clever coca cola!!

I think I have written this one before but it is cute enough for a
second telling. When CC had his filling he was a great patient right up
until the time the dentist hit a nerve in his tooth. He was sitting
nicely and co-operating but when that pick hit the tender spot he
looked up at her and said, “You hurted me and that means I’m done” and
he hopped out from under her arms and onto the floor and darted to the
reception area. He WAS finished.

“Goed” is went and I can.not get rid of it. Now AJ says it.

He is an imaginative thinker. He is independent. He is witty. He is beautiful…and I’m glad he’s mine.

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too cute 🙂

March 31, 2005

so sweet 🙂

March 31, 2005

He sounds (and looks!) adorable.

March 31, 2005

What a sweet boy 🙂 All 3 of your boys are sweet 🙂 *smacks Aunt Linda* I love how you explained the “middle” child thing… 🙂

March 31, 2005

How cute!!! 🙂 He’s so handsome

March 31, 2005

Okay, I swear to you that I noted this last night!!! *scratches head* I love the stories about your boys!

April 1, 2005

Awww. 🙂