
 Well I think its official…..I’m obsessed!!!!

With my future house color.

I mean I was a bit  obsessed before, all you have to do is check
out the calico quilt I have on my house in ALL shades of green to see
that.  But yesterday I surprised even me. 

I was driving through Greenville in a quaint little
residential/commercial district when I passed a house that took my
breath.  That, THAT is the color I want on my house.  And it
was indeed in the shade range of the calico patches I already have
painted but THAT was the the the PERFECT shade, tone, intensity etal
for MY house.  So I said to mom, “I’ve got to go back around and
check that out.”    She couldn’t believe I was going to
circle the block to see it again and she really didn’t believe it when
I parked.  And she really really couldn’t believe it when I
decided to enter into   the house which is the law offices of
someone, someone and someone. 

“I know this is a non conventional request and perhaps a bit strange
but I love the color of  your building.”  Etc.
Etc.   Not a bit intimidating that the women were the picture
of corporate perfection in their  suits and pumps and I in my
jeans and bright red Tommy sailing shirt.  Luckily they have had
this conversation before and one suit said, “I say its a green and
she, ( suit number 2, )says its gray.”

“EXACTLY, and that is what I am trying to capture, that perfect mix of green/gray.”

Well no luck!  Turns out that it was painted when they bought and
even when I said, “No problem, just give the name of the person from
whom you bought it” that got me nowhere.  It seem that it was
painted when she bought it too.

So one would think that  THAT would be the end of that. 
Except that the paint was a bit chippy in places.  Hidden and
close to my car.  So one can imagine how tempted I was to rub it
lovingly to see if a little chippy would like to come home with
me.  When I got to the car my little chippy was a bit too
little.  So I spotted a bigger chippy place and jumped out to
retrieve a bigger one.

And yes my mom was hiding her head in the event that the lawyers
might  have noticed my pilfering.  I mean I suppose I could
be prosecuted. 

But at least I will have the most  beautiful gray/green house in my neighborhood. 

And you better believe when someone comes a knockin wanting to know my
color,   I will give it up.  And they better not try to
chip my house.

Double standard?

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March 30, 2005
March 30, 2005

double for sure, and completely acceptable!!! If you don’t know the color of your own house, it deserves to be chipped!

March 30, 2005
March 30, 2005

You crack me UP 🙂 How funny… We couldn’t paint our house… we’ve got vinyl siding LOL

March 30, 2005

LOL! I want to see pictures!!!