pumped up kicks…

i just cannot get this song out of my head right now, foster the people "pumped up kicks" .. it’s so mellow and cool. anyways, i can safely play it super loud over and over right now because i am home alone – yay!! josh is at his parents’ house for sunday dinner, and although i would usually take this opportunity to catch up on some sleep since i’ll be working at 11pm tonight, i decided to finally clean my room and sort through some bags of art that my mom and dad brought with them the last time they visited. they’re planning on selling the house in the next year or so and so they’ve been de-cluttering for months now. i didn’t think i had anything left at their house since i did a major purge when i moved out for uni and brought anything i had left with me. but surprise – i had a long forgotten box of shoes and a cardboard portfolio of art. it was kind of fun to sift through that and see how i’ve progressed… although since i haven’t done any art in quite a while i bet i’ve regressed to the talent of an eleven year old. i found the very first watercolour painting i’d ever done when i was in art club in grade 5, a few of the better drawings i chose to include in my application portfolio for ryerson (i didn’t get in), and a self-portrait project from grade 12. this was pretty hilarious for a few reasons, first being the photos i had to take of myself every day for a week to use as a guide for my final painting. the first three days show me with luscious long locks in a variety of photos. the next three show me, looking pretty unhappy, with short choppy hair. imagine hair down my back cut up to my ears. why, you ask, did i get rid of my precious precious hair on a whim? well it’s kind of funny to look back on now, but oh so depressing when it happened: i got lice in grade 12. LICE in grade 12!! i was 17 for god’s sake! two other girls showed up after the weekend with short hair like me, and both were in grade 1 in my school… i’m guessing that playing with the little kids led to the lice fiasco, but anyways. i found out on a friday night, my mom insisted on cutting my hair since it would be far too difficult to comb it being so long and give me this dreadful short cut. i cried and cried all weekend…. and guess what the best part was…. monday was picture day. so i had to waltz in there pretending that i CHOSE to get an awesome new trendy short cut when i was really just dying inside.

that’s my sharing story for the day… gotta go to work 🙁


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April 19, 2011