the final dive..

i always appreciate sundays as there aren’t any other days like them in my regular schedule… it’s a day where i can sleep in a little bit, go to work for a full day and still have hours left when i get home to do whatever i please. usually i nap and then wake up around 10 and then don’t know what to do with myself, so i go back to bed a couple hours later. today i fought the urge tonight and that, combined with the extra hour from the end of daylight savings time… well i’ve accomplished more in the last few hours than i typically do in a day. which is just so sad.. bc it goes to show how little i really do everyday.

i’m becoming increasingly frustrated at work. it’s not a fulfilling job… but i like the ppl and i like doing work. it’s nice to start and finish a task.. i like to feel accomplished.



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