Sleep Away the Afternoon

 I woke up this morning, my hair plastered to my face, my blanket wrapped around me like a cocoon, and a dream, from the sleep I awoke from, hanging to my brain by a thread. If I had it my way, I’d sleep for hours and hours. There’s just something about the warmth of a bed in the early hours of the morning that just begs me to stay put. In bed is where I get my best ideas, they come to me just before drifting off to sleep and when my eyes reopen the idea is lost forever. Still, laying in bed is one of my favorite pastimes, especially when I’m alone.

With that being said, Sunday is my birthday. Since Johnny works, I’m broke, and I don’t have any plans, my birthday will likely be spent in the warmth of my bed, maybe with a kitten to share it with. I feel lame, though; I’ll be 22 years old, no children yet, and all I’ll be doing is laying in my bed on my birthday. While part of me is bummed, there’s another part of me that is relieved I don’t have to subject myself to awkward public appearances. Sometimes I confuse myself.
Johnny and I have gotten things figured out for the most part. We’re starting to shop around for an apartment for the both of us, so hopefully soon I will no longer be living alone! Everything else will work out itself eventually, our biggest problem was us living apart, though. So yay there.

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