I’m really frustrated today.
Okay. I will fully admit that the exhaustion is my fault. I allowed myself to stay up until 2 am last night getting the rest of those entries moved over here and organized, knowing full well what Squeak’s normal wake-up time is. But a lot of things about today have seemed to go wrong for me.
She woke up just after 6, needing a bottle. I fed her one and put her back down. Because we are staying at my parents’ place right now, she is sleeping in the same room as me (at our apartment, she has her own room). Anyway, she crawled around in that crib for nigh unto an hour, not returning back to sleep until sometime after 7 am. I was then able to also go back to sleep and she slept until about 9:30, I think. My parents attend church at 1 pm, so I had planned to lay her down for a nap before that point. I could tell she was still very tired. She ended up not taking that nap. There are a lot of bodies in my parents’ house right now (yesterday was my youngest sister’s 18th birthday) and they do not know how to be quiet. Quietness is a foreign concept to them. I’ll freely admit that I used to be as bad as they are – then I got married to a quiet man and had a baby. Now, when people aren’t quiet or don’t try to be quiet when it’s time to be quiet it really ticks me off.
Squeak and I went to the first hour of church. She was cranky and fussy throughout, like I knew she was going to be because of lack of sleep. She is used to bedtime at 6 pm, waking at 7 am, and two solid naps during the day. She has not been able to get these with any regularity during her stay at my parents’ house, and sleeplessness builds up. I brought her home, and other people came home too. I put her down and she took about 30 minutes to go to sleep. I was reluctant to go in the room after I ate some lunch, because she is a light sleeper like me and I didn’t want to disturb her sleep…but I badly needed a nap. She did wake up a little bit when I went in there but went right back to sleep and I was able to drift off.
An hour later, my sister got home from church she had attended with a good friend she has here. She is one of the two loudest people in our family. I’m sorry, but when you come into a quiet house on a Sunday afternoon, you might as well just assume people are napping. She giggled about something, and because this house is a drafty, echo-y huge old thing, the giggle woke her up. She was very sad for the next hour or so. I could not get her to calm down all the way, or eat a bottle. I know her gums have started bothering her again recently (she has her two bottom teeth) so I gave her some infant Ibuprofen and waited for that to start kicking in. I managed to get her to eat about 2.5 ozs, and then I put her back in her bed to see if she could get to sleep. She is just way too wired. I left her in there for about an hour, and she never went to sleep, so I brought her out here and she is scooting around the hardwood floors in her walker, just as happy as can be. I, on the other hand, am still fighting the grumpies and an exhaustion headache. Tonight is probably going to be another late-ish night because we still have to drive an hour and a half back to our apt, and because we are hitching a ride we are going to leave when it’s convenient for them. It’s been kind of a shitty weekend in comparison to how great our trip to Boise was.
I know my grumpies also come from the fact that my husband got to go off and do more fun (for him) things, while I am here being mommy. I can’t seem to squelch it. Sigh. In any case, we’re getting ready to have my sister’s birthday dinner, so I’ll be signing off for now. Until next time, go read this comic —-> http://www.explosm.net