Falling, faster and deeper…

I’m falling for him. I’m falling deeper and deeper, day by day. He’s such an amazing person and i’m right at the edge. One final push and i’ll be head over heels, madly in love with him. Please don’t let me fall, please.

I can say one thing for now, though. He feels some of the same things that I feel. He kissed me. He cares about  me. He considers me to be his best friend. And he’s not cheapening what’s between us, not at all. But I want him to come out and say, I care about you, I miss you. He had to fly overseas. He asked me if I would come meet him at the airport when he came in and spend the day with him. It meant so much to hear that.

I miss him and I want him…I really, really do… 

One little thing I may have neglected to mention before…he’s one of my best friends…i’ve been helping him through a lot of stuff and i’m the only person he talks to about absolutely everything…Oh, and he’s married…not happily married, separated, in fact and not living at home anymore, but still married…

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Don’t be afraid of falling for someone… It’s beautiful.

January 13, 2007


January 16, 2007

*hugs* I’m thinking of you hun! You know where I am if you need me!!!! Any time!!!!