Some things never change…

I’m still here…as shocking as that may be…

I’ve had this diary now for four and a half years. Throughout the first year or two it was an outlet for my emotions, things I couldn’t talk about with anyone else. I don’t know why I stopped depending on it, stopped writing. I happen to have some good friends now. People I can talk to about some of the stuff going on in my life. But there’s still so much bottled up inside that I can’t tell them, that I have trouble coming to terms with.

I guess what i’m saying is that i’ve missed the release of my diary and I think i’m back for now. Let’s just take it one day at a time…

Signing out, once again, Brainiac…

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November 25, 2006

Some things never change…like how awesome we think you are!!!

November 25, 2006
