Not overly concerned…

I have decided to avail myself of the current predicament in which I find myself…I will no longer immerse myself in inner debates of whether he wants me or not, or whether or not I want him…I shall go to work and I shall come home…There is no need for me to put anything more into my worker-boss relationship…I will not even attempt to read anything more into it…I will pursue other endeavors until the opportunity to rid myself of this cumbersome arrangement comes along…uhuh…yeah, right…

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July 20, 2005

i dunno. that sounds reasonable. love abby/

Hey Mir! Remember me? It’s been a year since I’ve written in my diary. I almost forgot I even had it!! So so much has changed! I’m glad to see you have kept your diary nice and full of entries. I’m about to write my first entry in over a year so check me out. I hope all has been well!