Oddly enough…

I’ve come back to my writing, but in a very different way…I once wrote a song inspired by holocaust memoirs (being as how i’m very interested in holocaust related things) and recently had a dream about it…the dream basically constituted the beginning of a play in which I later imagined the scene where my song would be sung…therefore, I decided to try and write a musical revolving around a holocaust story…I know what you’re all thinking…yes, it may be slightly morbid but think, music is one of the most powerful forms of expression so what better way to put this subject out? And theoretically speaking (don’t think that I have any illusions of this actually happening) if a holocaust musical based on true facts were to become well known (or famous) that would be an unbelievable contribution to the "Never forget" that we are all so concerned about…I don’t for a second think that anyone other than my family members or close friends would even take a look at it, but for now its extremely therapeutic…so, back to the drawing board…

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March 15, 2005

hi 🙂 sorry i’ve been so absent. hope to be back soonish. happy belated birthday. love abby.