Even though i’m no longer american…

 Even though I no longer consider myself american, I think this is a wonderful thing to do. I know how much it means to our soldiers that watch over us and keep us safe to know that people appreciate their effort and love them for what they’re doing.

From: [Egocentric]
To: All OD Users
Date: January 30, 2005
Re: Valentine’s raffle in support of our troops

Some of us support the war in Iraq – some are against it.

Some of us believe Gee-Dubya to be the Anti-Christ – some think he’s the Savior of the Middle East.

Regardless of your stance on the war, where most of us find common ground is in our support and gratitude for the men and women risking their lives – every second of every day – in service of their country.

One of my favorites – [Principassa Pollyana] – has a friend stationed in Iraq and recently asked her readers to consider sending a card or letter to boost the morale of his troops. I think this is a fantastic idea, but while five or ten cards are nice, think how much nicer a hundred would be? Or TWO hundred?!?

So, here’s the deal:

What I want you to do:

1) Post this entry in your own OD.

2) Send a Valentine – addressed on the INTERIOR of the card – “To any soldier” or something similar. Write something on the inside of the card, even if it’s just a quick line or two that says, “THANK YOU!” Mail your card to:

MAJ Joseph Izaguirre
APO AE 09391

3) Have your child/niece/nephew/neighbor/whatever create a Valentine for the troops and also mail it to the above address. Doesn’t have to be fancy and it can even be a purchased card (though I suspect they’d be sending a bigger smile with a handmade picture or card).


• You must put your return address on the envelope.

• You must address the outer envelope to Maj. Izaguirre. The APO will NOT accept letters, cards, etc. addressed outwardly to “any soldier”. All APO mail must be addressed to a specific individual.

• You must affix $0.37 U.S. postage. APO postage rates are the same as domestic rates. A standard stamp will get your card to Iraq.</P

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January 31, 2005

this is such a great thing!